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  1. Writing a sex scene with a female dog means I can use “The bitch” as a descriptor and it’s not problematic. Which is nice, considering the entire rest of the scene is problematic as hell.
    3 points
  2. The Dropped Soap (Working Title, lol) A site to inspire and help Erotica Writers. There be prompts, challenges, resources, music, and more to come. (If anyone’s bored enough, I would love to get content contributors! Blog posts, articles, whatever.) https://plagueclover.wordpress.com
    2 points
  3. JayDee

    Erotica Writing Site

    I wish you luck with it
    2 points
  4. I thought Michael was an Archangel and his doesn’t end with ‘-el’ I think at this point we could concede these are names given to beings that we struggle to understand, and the ones they may hold for themselves don’t match up.
    1 point
  5. You know, I’ve been thinking about this story on and off for a decade, and somehow I literally never noticed that. That’s possible. “Elohim” is definitely an imported word, but El or some variant thereof is ridiculously common in ancient Semitic languages (Ugaritic, Phoenician, Hebrew, Aramaic, Akkadian), and is even used as a proper name for a deity in multiple ancient religions, so it’s hard for me to pin down where it was imported from. Well, that made me feel better for not catching it, at least. Not a problem at all! I’m a Bio major, so I’m still on a learning curve when it comes to all of this stuff, and discussions like this are a good way to learn. Besides, you have not seen geeking out yet. When I was discussing Part Six with JayDee, I mentioned that, just out of idle curiosity, I had calculated how much energy Luzurial would need to produce to melt that aluminum tentacle in the Room 502 sequence, complete with estimating the diameter and subsequent volume of the tentacle, its mass based on the density of aluminum, and then using the specific heat and enthalpy of fusion of aluminum to figure out what it would take to bring it from room temperature to melting point and then force the phase change. it’s about 18 megajoules, in case you’re curious. Thank you again!
    1 point
  6. Re: “Mia: Confessions of a Dickgirl” From Thundercloud on March 31, 2019 Thanks! I’m enjoying writing this as a series of confessions. The story requires a fair amount of exposition, and I feel like it’s more interesting (for the reader and myself) if the exposition comes in Mia’s own words. I hope you’ll like it. The next chapter is going to be a bit different; it’s titled “The Worst Day of My Life.”
    1 point
  7. I realized today that although I was planning for the next chapter of “Little Rose” to be the last, there’s really too much story there to cram into one chapter. So 2 chapters are still forthcoming. SWP1, thanks for the comment on “Little Rose.” I left a response in that thread.
    1 point
  8. My Scrabble app does not recognize “jahoobs” as a word. Those 88 points were rightfully mine.
    1 point
  9. Do you have any current or recent projects you could link to? Might help any prospective betas decide whether to volunteer if they can see whether or not they’d do well with your writing style. I wish you luck!
    1 point
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