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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2019 in all areas

  1. Been debating about posting some of the sketches I've done for some of my characters... Not sure, though...
    2 points
  2. No problem at all. I am perfectly fine with writing the review again with adjustment for the changes you did. After all it is you who took the effort to rewrite the chapter based on my input. I think there is a fine line between magical shield that is drained of power and willpower that deteriorate. There is also the interesting bit in the beginning of JayDees story when she spend effort to aid people who are tormented by the black force but afterward worry that this effort might left her weakened. For me this suggests that Luzurial in Whore of Heaven is spending some kind of magical/holy force to do supernatural stuff like resisting damage. Honestly I don’t think getting these things consistent between your stories matter very much to your story but from an author perspective I think that making the character too impervious to harm can make it harder to create situations when the reader worry about the character. It is your story so no problem if you think this should be general knowledge. I was not expecting Kevin to be interested in weapons, but if it is general knowledge then that thought is not as relevant. Quite many settings invent a setting-specific word for these kind of things to not get too much baggage from other stories. If you like the name then continue to use it. On the other hand...why do they write holy inscriptions on the weapon and expect them to work if they don’t think they are dealing with enemies of their faith? I think if mysterious being appeared on our earth and we discovered holy symbols hurt them we would pretty soon talk about them as demons or devils.
    2 points
  3. Part Three is up!
    1 point
  4. Hey, all. Didn’t make a lot of progress on anything last week, as I was a bit distracted by my “legit” writing projects. (I’m trying to publish a novel in RL.) But I continue to plug away; probably the next thing I’ll finish is chapter 5 of “Auntie’s Home.” Thanks! Not this year, but I have written one, if you haven’t yet seen it. It’s a big-brother/little-sister incest story titled “Some Girl.” Thanks! I’ve got another furry one-shot in the works, although it’s quite a bit darker than “First Time.” I didn’t actually mean for the chapters to get progressively longer; that was just how things worked out. Chapter 1 is the shortest because it’s mostly setup. Chapter 2 got into the action but didn’t have everyone participating yet (ie, Ginger hadn’t yet arrived, and Roger was just spectating). So it wasn’t until chapter 3 that the orgy was in full swing. Chapter 4 will be about as long as chapter 3 was, and chapter 5 (the final chapter) will probably be a bit shorter.
    1 point
  5. BronxWench

    Subdomain question.

    Crows. Ask Elderspawn about the sea of crows in the parking lot. Definitely all my fault, that one was.
    1 point
  6. JayDee

    Subdomain question.

    Fair enough! Bible it is. I’ll just make sure to have an author’s note at the start confirming how OC heavy it is so folks know not to proceed if that isn’t their cup of tea. Thank you for your time. “Mom, have you been mocking the gods again? There’s a giant sea monster outside wants a word.”
    1 point
  7. BronxWench

    Subdomain question.

    Let’s see. NOT a stupid question at all, and here’s why. My Poor Bastard pair of stories was originally posted as Original work, although it relies quite heavily on Greek mythology. So, when I reposted them, I moved them over to Books, under “Fairy Tales, Fables, Folklore, Legends, and Myth” to be more accurate. So, I’d be inclined to recommend this go in Books, under The Bible (which is not a title in the public domain because various editions remain copyrighted although I’m pretty sure the copyright on the individual chapters expired long before I got that first pair of killer shoes). Even with a cast of OCs, it’s still the Bible, and let’s face it, people like to have things properly categorized so they can flip out about someone making light of their beliefs (which doesn’t seem to be an issue when I poke at Zeus and Hera, although I do tend to stay inside during thunderstorms).
    1 point
  8. I’ll send you a PM with the changes I made. It won’t fix all of the things you didn’t like, but it should address at least some of them. That energy is what she calls her inner light. It’s tied to (or is) her willpower and it allows her to do stuff like create creatures from human virtues, blast enemies and burn things. I figure it affects her physical toughness as well, but that the toughness of her skin and muscles is not something she has to concentrate on; it just happens automatically. The other things, like burning things or crafting the virtue creatures, are conscious actions that she has to think about. Well, consistency is something I try for when I can, since this is intended as a sequel. I’d like it to fit with what’s in Whore of Heaven as well as possible. There are some changes, of course, but I try to keep things the same. I understand completely. Trust me though, even if she had been completely immune to the Gungnir, she’s not immune to the stuff Eparlegna does, and as of the end of Part Three, he’ll be back. She is most definitely in danger. The reason I didn’t want to use the word demon was because there are actual demons in the setting (and as I just mentioned, one of them is our villain), and I didn’t want to use the same word for the enhanced humans.
    1 point
  9. Well, the English name Shannon is apparently derived from the River Shannon, the longest river in Ireland, so MacSomething-or-other does seem like a good idea. As far as I can tell, MacDuff is derived from Scottish Gaelic, though I can’t be sure of this. Kate is an English name, so Wilde does fit (as well as kind of feeling like a werewolf joke). Lupa Lopez is also kind of funny, since (again, from what I can tell) Lopez means “son of Lope” and Lope is apparently a Spanish form of Lupus, the feminine form of which would be...Lupa. Kizzy’s is brilliant, though, since it translates literally from the French as “given by God.” So yeah, I’d say you don’t suck at names. I really like that, because it’s either a Star Trek reference, or it’s her doing a terrible job at blending in with mortals.
    1 point
  10. Today I learned ISBN is $125 https://www.myidentifiers.com/
    1 point
  11. Folks, if you’ve not started on reading InBrightestDay’s The Woman in the Statue you are really missing out. The thing’s a work of art.
    1 point
  12. Stuck, right in the middle of a lesbian sex sequence… oh, how the Gods of writing have abandoned me today.
    0 points
  13. My profile says I joined the forum as JayDee on January 31, 2008. (I mean, yeah, there’s posts from my old pen name before then. We ignore those.) It takes effort to get worse at writing over 11 years, believe me.
    0 points
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