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Everything posted by JayDee

  1. "Oh, snap!" Thank you! I am really glad that you liked it. Sex being good is always what I like to hear with my fuckfics. She's lucky it wasn't a Pirates of the Caribbean year. "How many Captain Jack's do I have to suck? 37? Whoohoo!" Alright, maybe unlucky... I think an alternative interpretation is that she saves the day through an incredible series of co-incidences! Which I'm blaming on Sarsa's hacky influence after she came in contact with the spell.
  2. From the Ashes by Tahn This was another story with a good bit of emotional impact. I don’t mind admitting I hear tears in my eyes at a couple points. The idea around the ending was pretty cool, it certainly got around the lack of touching otherwise. Snap by George Glass I did get an idea what was coming there, which goes to show how well you did the foreshadowing! Definitely spooky. It’s funny, I like violent stories normally, but I’m pretty glad it wasn’t detailed here. Nightmare’s Dream by Peverted Pages I thought that was pretty damn sexy! Yup, time to remember that vampires are monsters, not glitter salesmen. One odd thing, where it says “grabbed her hair**” with the ** I scrolled down for a ** footnote! What is the meaning of ** in this context? Death has an Ugly Face by Tahn's 2nd story. The fiend! It also works read in the voice of Bonny from Family Guy. Not the first character to face death with a knob in the hand. See, this is how you do 2nd person seriously and give it good atmosphere. ‘nother campfire classic in the making! All Hallow’s Eve by ThinLizzie Is it bad that I’d rather have ghouls knocking on the door than kids trick or treating? I mean, come on! Even the guard marmots hide when they tromp up the path. I read this aloud too! The old ways aren’t so bad. Well... some of them. Poem shows the counterpoints skilfully. -- Having a story in in this collection has brought more hits than my last two original fic uploads, but I suspect rather less for some of you with the big original fanbases. I hopes I am not dragging you down! -- I still have Signs going around in my head. The rest of you can suffer too. Go on. Listen to it.
  3. Glad to help! I haven't been going through nitpicking or anything, but that one stuck out so I thought you'd like to know! I always find new typos in my work if I don't read it for a while and then re-read, sadly. Thank you for your review! Frankly, given the eagerness which Shannon took to the skills of a Succubus, someone needs to check just how her time in the torture pits of Hell was spent . I suspect she made the damned scream and groan a lot and nobody looked too closely as to what she was doing. I'll have to come up with a real demon name for Sarsa (Her full made up name is, uh, Sarsa Parilla.) Sadly, google says Eusyram is already taken. Might have to be Eusnialliv. 'k, I got more to read tonight
  4. Next review: Girls Who Wear Glasses by Magusfang This one is huge! (That’s what she said etc) My kind’ve story codes though Worth it all for the pun in the last line! I thought the section with buying the costume came across well, it seemed very natural. Victor’s violent badassery was good too, but the ending was the coolest bit! Edit: And rather than triple post: The Phone by Desiderius Price I'm using the spoiler tags for this review in case I spoil anything for the folks going for the big story. The Glory Hole to Hell by CL.Mustafic Really lives up to its title! The redneck dialogue was pretty hysterical! I’d have ruined it by tossing in the old joke about gay ghosts giving each other the willies. Of course the Devi’s progressive – with God supposedly sending all the homosexuals to Hell, he’s got the best decorated domain to go with all the good music. The ending was pretty chilling; I think it was the forced-witness element as much as anything. A very fun little story with the obvious bittersweetness of the ending. Fucking Halloween Party by JayDee Terrible typos, probably. If I do the third part of You! that will show Werewolf Kate going to talk to You, which was referenced in this'n. I have to write the story about how she got brought back sometime after Blood on the Hay. I also should have done some gags around the phrase "Demon Taint", but didn't think about the puerile alternative meaning until later. Could have used longer, more detailed sex scenes, and more terrible party music choices. Seriously, what was Theresa thinking? Blame Todd.
  5. Yeah, you've got a great title there - sounds like something Joe-Bob Briggs is reviewing for Drive In horror Next review: Becky's Grave by Joe Long The dialogue crackled along pretty well, Burl’s Bigfoot concerns made me laugh! The ghost was pretty spooky in brief appearance, very much a feel of people going up and scaring each other until they’re seeing things, or not. Very Halloweenish, glad I read it! As for the Long haired freaky people need not apply reference I went and listened to Signs, much better song than that Fatboy Slim sampled track, but I guess with Fatboy Slim's tracks it isn't really about a good song as something to pop a pill to...
  6. The time to have stopped reading would probably have been about the line "Declan slid a nail gun from a bench, and walked over" If I wanted to avoid violence after an MCD tag, that's when I'd do it! I avoid reading Minor1, many more people avoid the gory stories I've put out. That's what I mean by "Each to their own!"
  7. Joe Long - Thanks for advising, I did see the NoSex tag, but also the others and wasn't sure what content might be. I know I always make sure to tag anything even tangentially triggering myself. Tahn - Thank you for the review! Shannon's really only in a couple of parts of The Slumber Party of Evil Doom, but I thought it had some fun bits! I got more to read and review later
  8. I've manager to read the first stories! I'll follow Joe's example and put my reviews in here Ghosts Aren't Real, says the Vampire to the Werewolf by ChrissyQuinn I laughed loudly at the line about dressing up as Four and getting Ron comments after losing the wig. The rest of the HP gags and the Doctor Who one were good too! Definitely a spooky vibe, especially with a Vampire running scared. Nice ghost story to start the collection, though, very appropriate, especially as I wasn’t sure at the end if there really had been a ghost, or he was just jumpy/imagining things. Possible typo if it helps - Should “just sharing off for your” be showing? Feed the Land by BronxWench ...Holy fuck. There’s like, a total sense of foreboding all the way through and then Bam! Genuinely chilling. Teagan’s a badass, to watch all that and then go through it rather than live without Daithi. If you heard this one around a camp fire you wouldn’t want to sleep alone! I would have ruined it all by making some vulgar jokes around the Black Sword theme. Becky's Grave by JoeLong I'm afraid I have to give this one a miss, for the Minor1 tag. I hope you're ok with that, each to their own and all and you've as much right on AFF to do Minor1 as I do write stories with MCD/Viol. I totally understand why people avoid many of my stories with different kinds of extreme content. I thought I should say why I hadn't reviewed though, rather than just skip on. (Of course, if you've just got that on there because there are kids in the story but no sexual content actually featuring them, let me know and I'll read it!) Good luck with your future writing and all. I will read more stories tomorrow! If there was an award for best title so far, I'd have to vote The Glory Hole To Hell
  9. I've run out of time for today with around 5 and a half pages to finish polishing, but I should have mine done by tomorrow afternoon of the 25th Pacific Time! Still trying to come up with a better title on the basis that I've only got one Succubus in it. Dressed as an Angel. Doing dirty things. Wait a minute... I've got it! "The Demon That Couldn't Slow Down." ....nah. Good challenge though, I've had fun with it so thanks guys! I hope my sleazy 7000 word fuckfic doesn't lower the tone too much in with your classy nosex spooky stories or goulish erotica!
  10. The Key's Shaft. Necro'ing a review reply thread. Not like that. You're disgusting. Thank you for your review! Yup, this was definitely one of my more good natured and humorous stories. Nobody dies and Faith plays hide the sausage. Very decent of you to have a look and leave some comments, and I do hope I'll be able to do a take on the Willow challenge.
  11. It was bad enough when she met The Dark Knight
  12. That was a request fic! I've done a few requests - I don't have to kill off all the characters. Nobody died in my other Buffy story As I said, busy right now but I will keep it in mind and post an update here if I get going on it - I've already been thinking over plot, and descriptive passages that would fit, plus possible dialogue. "Nobody's a demon here!" "Hey!" "Oh, except Demon Jerry. But only on his mother's side. You wouldn't know to look at him." Perhaps if I do manage to get it done you'd be willing to check the spelling before posting so I can fix any howlers? In the meantime, I hope someone else takes on the request as it could only benefit from different authors' approaches.
  13. You! hasn't had an update for a while, but I've got ideas for the third part. Also, a review! Thank you! I'm glad it worked for you too, playing off a general dislike of 2nd person to do a 2nd person fic was a bit of a tricky idea but seems to have worked out. I'm planning on more meta gags for the the third part Hmm... "You have a mouthful of sweaty demon cock. It reminds you of eating at an English restaurant." Yes, I could see how third person could be better. I wrote a succubus with temporary-cock screwing a male character scene last night as part of my Halloween story which is about 80% finished, fingers crossed I get it done for the deadline on Sunday! Shannon's not as well hung as Sarsa, but I think it reads ok.
  14. Ginny Weasley and the Hospitality of the Orcs takes the hoary old crossover special of a character magically transported to Middle Earth (admittedly, more commonly an OFC with incredible skills and beauty) and fucks it. While a reviewer elsewhere was happy to see the Orc use oil for the anal so as to avoid chafing himself, the poor dear, the AFF review is as follows: Thanks for the review! Yeah, the Orcs pretty much succeeded entirely via element of surprise. The teachers or even less-surprised students should be able to thrash them pretty soundly, the run-of-the-mill LOTR Orcs aren't all that challenging, no wonder the Urak-Hai look down on them! I guess for a follow up I could Bamf Galadriel amongst Death Eaters over in the Potter universe. "...and within seconds, the Death Eaters were all dead," yeah, too short, maybe. Thanks again!
  15. Doing this story, while coming up with a plot and keeping Willow as much in character as possible, and keeping it cons, really appeals to me. I think I could only fit it in to the two bits where Willow was very low over her relationship with Oz, ie after the Lovers Walk reveal of her kissing Xander or after he left in S4 (can't recall the episode name). Once she had come to identify as a lesbian and stop lusting after men (except maybe Giles plus guitar) I don't think I could make it work within the terms of the challenge. I'm not available to take the challenge right now but I guess this is expressing an interest if nobody else gets it done. There may be the odd typo if I pick it up, but no first person. I read the new challenge forum rules and I don't think this post is against them, but if so then ban/delete etc etc and I'll take it in my customary good humor.
  16. JayDee - Summary: A particularly unpleasant magic bomb will kill everybody at a Halloween party, and most of the surrounding block, if Shannon the Succubus can't find the bombmaker and get them to disarm it the only way she knows how. ie, with snuggling. Title (subject to change): Succubi With Clean Faces
  17. It is "Differently Sane" King Ludvig's famed black stallion Cocotte, in the role of the horse Grane. So Magus' father, surely? Or is this Horse mpreg just to make BW whimper?
  18. Would you mess with this woman?
  19. Pen Name: JayDee Story link: Ginny Weasley and the Hospitality of the Orcs Review replies link: Review Replies -LOTR Type of fic: Flashfic Rating: Adult++ Fandom: LOTR> Third Age> Crossovers (Orcs based on book descriptions rather than movies) Pairing: Ginny Weasley (HP) x Orcs (LOTR) Warnings:3Plus, Anal, ChallengeFic, COMPLETE, Contro, DP, Hum, M/F, OC, Oneshot, PWP, Rape, Violence
  20. Should my new Middle-Earth set oneshot gain any reviews, or need any discussion, this thread will be used. I have created it now so I can link it in the story page.
  21. Best avoided. It's just a nasty, mean-spirited little thing which will need the trigger tags. Would have been better if I'd gone for Orcs gathered round painting another, nude, Orc and discussing their dislike of more conceptual art.
  22. Sadly the fine art won't make it into the oneshot; this one features the less cultured Orcs. The sort who give the delicate, sensitive aesthete orcs of brush and canvas a bad name.
  23. Thanks for confirming this, yes, it mostly takes place close to the Misty Mountains, known for their salmon fishing, snowboarding and Orc figure painting studios.
  24. Dear moderators and/or admins, I know the usual crossover rule is to put it in the section that it is mostly set in, but I just wanted to check that this applied to HP stories as well, as there's that Harry Potter crossover subsection. I've done a oneshot for the last weekly prompt that starts and ends at Hogwarts, but uses the tired and cliche bamf-to-middle-earth bit in the middle where most of the story occurs. Well, I say story, it's PWP. I'd like to stick it in LOTR crossovers, but don't want to do it if it'll have to be deleted for not being posted to HP - what should I do? Yours PWP'dly, JayDee
  25. For the challenge of the search with such a title, I did a bit of google fu, and found there was a story of that name with a Seth and a Madison/Maddie by an author called BrightlyIBurn, which seems to be the one you're asking after, that was apparantly very well loved and popular, but the author it appears unfortunately suffered so much from Plagiarism all of the stories were removed - there's a link on the author's literotica profile covering the reasons, and obviously no link to the story there. https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=331340&page=bio I know how much Plagiarism sucks so I can understand why they did. If it wasn't that story, well, good luck with your search!
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