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Everything posted by JayDee

  1. It's risk and reward; you might be horribly murdered by Cybermen, or you might run into the Doctor and Clara and get a selfie!
  2. JayDee

    Scooby Doo/ Velma

    Sounds like a plan! Share a link when it's done and I'll try and feedback just like younger, hotter, 2011 JayDee did for the last story!
  3. "If Tom jumped off a cliff would you too?" "Yep! Already did!"
  4. If you've ever died this topic may be triggering and so you should stop reading now. I'm serious. Get your rotting zombie/overdressed vampire/transparant ghost etc ass out of here. I think it'll be an execution for me, probably by firing squad or decapitation. Or, possibly more likely, a freak accident involving a copy of Catch 22, two marmots, a 1958 Plymouth Fury and a telephone directory with every name containing the letter "t" crossed through. How about you? Hmm?
  5. Me!, I mean, You! Thanks for your review! I hope I got the flavor of such a title without actually using an existing title, although I wouldn't be surprised... As for using Tarzan I wanted an older character who might get fanfiction and also be well enough known to most readers, Tarzan seemed to fit! I wonder if I'd have got more views if I'd put "humorous" in the summary? or short? Thank you also! I'm glad it's had such a positive impression - like your Dragon Age story getting me to play DA:O! It's just a bit of good natured ribbing for the suethors Hey, as long as they follow the TOS/Rules Futa demoness writers got as much right to be here as any of us! Now I kind've want to do a follow up where her first review is a troll author, laughing away about his abusive review... just before discoveing that freed futa demonesses can travel through the internet and express their displeasure about trolling. Say... if the trolls name was Josh, and she turned him into a tree.... "You 2: Josh! You Are Tree!" ... I got loads of those terrible U2 puns. I could do them all night, because until she gets feedback she still hasn't found etc... Well thank you again! It's been nice to get so many reviews for this one
  6. You! Thank you! I'm glad it made ya laugh - She's writing Second Person self insert OC fics in old fashioned fandoms. She's lucky she's not getting flames! Although obviously the typical demoness doesn't mind flames. Probably quite homely. Not getting reviews is a little saddening sometimes.
  7. You! reviewed again! Thank you! I don't read as many stories as I used to myself, down to time as much as anything, but I try and review myself when I do. A lot of people seem to hate second person, and quite a proportion are not keen on first person, though it's easier to do well. I used to enjoy the old Choose Your Own Adventure stories when I was a kid but otherwise... eh. In a similar (but not second person) style of writing are "The Slumber Party of Evil Doom" and "Under Joan's Bed" and in books "Jenny From The Pond". A lot of the other stuff, well, I'd advise checking the codes closely. Very closely. And then avoiding to be on the safe side. If you do come by and see this I'd be interested to know what you were expecting to happen?
  8. You! is in no way related to Them! although afterwards I was looking at the exclamation mark and thought, well, darn it. I was on the fence about whether it needed a rape tag since some of the phrases could possiblybe triggering, but there's no actual rape. In the end I decided against it, but if it's thought I should add one by anybody else at all I'll do so. I've had a review, but if you're going to read the fic do it first 'cos spoiler! Thank you for the review! I see you actually left the last review for me under original too, so it's good to see this one appealed to you as well and on a general note thanks for giving original fics get some feedback! Another story which is of a similar style would be The Slumber Party of Evil Doom, which also has no sex. This one here, well, I cheated a little. The first paragraph was based on a few jokey lines I scrawled ages ago, and I thought with the prompts that I could make them into a story. It took an hour or so, but I'm glad it hangs together well! I'm alright with mean reviews myself, both because I've developed the skin for it and because sometimes people need to be nasty to get a point across (and, well, some of nasty!fic deserves meanness) but I think with first time authors or folks who haven't done a story that might deserve it it is pretty bad. Mean reviews can put people right off writing when all they need is some constructive feedback. I try and point out errors and things when I review because I know how easy it can be to miss little things but I also like to say what I liked, or thought worked, or got aroused by if I can. Sometimes I only got the time to say "Awesome!" though Anyway, thanks again!
  9. I keep meaning to watch Sucker Punch. I got a DVD here (what us grumpy folks used to watch before netflix but after VHS.... ) I'm a wait until I've seen it and then I'll check out your drabble
  10. Pen Name: JayDee Story link: You! Review replies link: Review Replies -Original Type of fic: Flashfic Rating: Adult + Fandom: Original Pairing: Isn't one. Only haven't used the NoSex tag because of the sexualised nudity. Warnings: AFFO, ChallengeFic, Exhib, F/D, Hum
  11. She's barking up the wrong tree there! He'll never grow up. Or if he does, it's as Robin Williams. No, it's Hook she ought to get in with. The man! The legend! Captain James Hook! ...I'll go now.
  12. No, no! Not like scolding at all - what I was getting at was, well, if it's not your cup of tea it's better to have some coffee rather than choke it down You wanted the best joke, you ended up with number 2!
  13. 1475 hits on The Boy Who Ate Shit And..., but a distinct lack of comments. I might actually ask for some on part 2 on the basis that if they part one and came back for more they obviously have some thoughts! See, in this case, with the scat tag, that'd be a great time for you to react as I did with Minor1 and flee. Thank you for the review! like I said to BW and PW if it's something you folks would want to read y'all shouldn't read it! Good of you to press down the distaste and give us a few words though, so to cover the points - New Idea - I decided to do the story recently when I was totally out of food and had to eat at McDonalds, but I think there's other HP scatfics out there! The Eyes - Well, entirely needless cruelty is something of a trademark for me. When I had a title like Flaying Solo, Solo was gonna get skinned... but here it's about sensory deprivation - sure, a blindfold would work but Bellatrix isn't very nice - and also toilets don't have eyes. I had more written to explain it, but dropped it for more sexual detail to make sure it deserved a PWP tag! The Footjob - Apart from just being pretty humiliating to Harry to be sexually assaulted and have his body respond to it, It's about warping his sexual reactions to be aroused at shit eating. If he comes every time he tastes shit it becomes association. This being a PWP, and Bellatrix being a witch, it's happened quickly. In time for the next part's not especially shocking twist, If I get round to writing it. Also because I thought the partially rough, forced, foot manipulation was hot, I guess. I don't even have a foot fetish. Well... maybe for Shokan feet. Coffee and Bran muffins - After dropping the kids off she went and had some hot spicy Indian food and played some Johnny Cash. Tonks - Wrong! At the end of that Harry was dead and Bellatrix was in Tonks' body. It's another world. I hope I didn't just spoil the surprise for anybody who hasn't read that four part corpse fucking spectacular. Thanks again for your comments, but if you give part 2 a miss when it's out I wouldn't blame you!
  14. These are my current stats for the HP Subdomain. They demonstrate why it's a good thing I don't write for the feedback! 12 stories 67 reviews 170 star rating votes 242902 Hits
  15. Actually, I nearly had shit hitting the Fan in my Orc sex story. The Boy Who Ate Shit And... ...and another stomach strengthend by archive moderation! Thank you! As with PW I do feel a little bad that you read it. It's pretty niche and frankly scat's right up there with canniblism, torture snuff, overly young characters and Ayn Rand fandom for things that most readers are understandably keen to scroll right past. If a writer I really like had a minor1 tag I'd give it a miss! I wouldn't have minded if I got no reviews for this one! It's nice of you to offer some kinds words, though. As for palete-cleansers - the House White at the manor has proven more popular than the monthly decanting of House Red.
  16. The Boy Who Ate Shit And... Part 1! A story that may leave a bad taste in the mouth! Where Nymphadora Necrophilia proved inexplicably popular, this one'll prove inexplicable! Good thing I don't take the star ratings to heart - first rating was within 10-12 hits and for one star. I'd be willing to bet they didn't read it, just saw the title and codes and BAM! Heh. Anyway, a review: Nooooooo! I mean, thank you for the review! I suspect reviewing may be a little constipated on this one so getting any comment is cool, and you're really kind with your praise for Bellatrix' vilness but Noooooo! You shouldn't put yourself through something like this if you don't have too! You'd just end up feeling wiped out Poor Harry, indeed. Us fanfic writers have put him through so much. Though at least I didn't change his name to Drake Quaksforth and move him to a single man-mother's hostel in New York. Though that may come in an AU. But where did Bellatrix learn the Brown Arts? Is Harry the the kind of Potty to take Bellatrix' breakfast kneeling down? Or will he wreak his terrible miasmatic revenge? Find out only in part number 2! Or possible also in part 3 if I run out of words.
  17. Pen Name: JayDee Story link: The Boy Who Ate Shit And… - Part 1 Review replies link: Review Replies -Harry Potter Type of fic: Flashfic Rating: Adult ++ Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Harry/Bellatrix Warnings: Bond, B-mod, CBT, ChallengeFic, COMPLETE, Contro, Humil, M/F, Minor2, Other, PWP, Rape, Rim, Scat, Solo
  18. Yeah, that'll work!
  19. Oh yeah, I wasn't shocked or upset or anything like that - just unexpected!
  20. I would like to request that someone writes a hot filthy sex scene between Lord Emsworth and the Empress of Blandings based around the obvious lustful subtext present throughought the books. Thanks for your time and considering this request.
  22. Wait, I got it! The little transparent bit. Ok, I literally didn't see that for minutes of looking. Sorry for taking your time!
  23. I looked for one, same as with the forum sections, but the sidebar seems to have taken the header with it - http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c166/JoanDoePictures/screencap_zpsdgjxwgo6.jpg So I can't see where to click!
  24. I somehow no longer have the status updates bar on the right hand side of my screen (also latest posts and richest members, though I didn't use those because view new content button is easier!) I wasn't paying attention and I think I must have clicked one of those buttons that hides the whole sidebar, same as some of the forum sections have. My tech support question is, where is the button to unhide? I've scrolled up and down and checked the FAQ and seem to be missing it! For the forum sections the unhide button stays in the same place as when it is a hide button, but seemingly not for the sidebar. (I know I can view them here but it was useful to see on the sidebar!) Sorry for taking up the time of anybody who knows the answer! Or doesn't know the answer but reads anyway. Or doesn't know the answer but reads and comments anyway. Although I'm less sorry to the last bunch.
  25. Yeah! We wouldn't give up! We didn't surrender! And I still have a soft spot for the grouchy badger alchemist from the frittle story I did.
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