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Everything posted by JayDee

  1. Damn it all! Those malware injected old sites are why we can’t have nice things At least there’s still the Sexy Losers strip that partially inspired it which is very NSFW – https://www.sexylosers.com/comic/016/ Edit: 22 years since original posting! Where the fuck did that time go?
  2. That’s the one! Tentacoo wape was what a young tentacle monster thought people said when hearing about tentacle rape without having any idea what either actually meant! That strip had some great characters and absolutely filthy jokes. Got a tvtropes page so can’t be porn! https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Webcomic/GhastlysGhastlyComic
  3. Not a great idea to let him mind your parrot either. What was his slogan, something like “if it talks, fuck it?”
  4. Just had a 15 year old “TENTACOO WAPE!” flashback to good ol’ Uncle Ghasty
  5. Bart the Ripper That feeling when you have to go back 14 years and five pages of Simpson stories to find a Bart/Lisa story you haven’t yet messily defiled yourself over and the author has wasted your arousal by having them at 18 and 20 instead of what gets you going and so, one handed, angry but resolute, you leave your feedback. Then, finding your edge again, you continue back further, ever further, to the old archives on stuttering servers, bytes dying, looking for the very earliest Simpsons smut, where Smithers was still black. ...thanks for taking the time to leave a comment!
  6. Just wanted to say again I enjoyed the first parts of Wishful I checked out and the author notes showing more of the effort going into it are super interesting! Quality writing as ever Mr Glass.
  7. Just quietly badadss, then much more actively badass when called for. Also the way her attitude is compared to some of the others. Just interesting to see I guess!
  8. Huh, and here was me thinking it was a quarter circle on the D pad plus a punch button. ...or was that Ryu and Ken?
  9. No embedded links on the forum but you could always link the gallery! But, yeah, it is pretty quiet here so if it’s any effort it might not be worth the time.
  10. If I can’t finish stories anymore at least I can still do over-labored garbage jokes! There was a lot of distracting stuff going on at the time, so it’s easy for us readers to assume any discussion about it happened ‘off camera’ while the in-room scrap was happening. Still, I suppose it could have had a call back later, like Kyle getting a hand job and then remembering the energy blasted from those hands. Hey! We had websites with images in 2003! Ain’t that long ago. Kinda slow, for the folks still on 56k or less dial up, but they were there! I think AFF just doesn’t support direct linking to avoid all the dead link issues. That is some pretty darn creepy art.
  11. I check out forum activity sometimes and saw the post out of context and, for some reason had a mental image of Charlie Brown as a really angry Joe Pesci-a-like, and thought I’d post the joke! After all, Chuck probably wouldn’t really get made as he was only Sicilian on his mother’s side.
  12. ~line from “You’re A Made Man Now, Charlie Brown.”
  13. If the bad guy’s been watching some Chris Hansen this might not go his way!
  14. Spoiler’d it ‘cos character spoilers. The old tabletop game does sound like it woulda been fun.
  15. I don’t really have the reflexes these days, 12 year old me wasn’t too shabby tho’ I think she came out fine – the versions I know best are the old very two dimensional bios from the early Street Fighter IIs and also the live action movie version that was somewhat different physically, but still managed to give Bison a bit of a kicking. She’s a heroic type who fights hard, but you also have her dealing with trauma rather than it just “got brutalised, moving strraight on,” As for a lot of the others I either don’t know ‘em too well/at all, or haven’t seem stuff with them for ages. For Kyle, he seems like how he’d be, moving from one shitty fucking dystopian hellscape of hunter killers to another one, Bathory from Bloodrayne seems like a pretty unpleasant Nazi, although obviously hiding it , from the stuff we see. Ya really expanded well on what I remember of her in Bloodrayne. I’ve enjoyed both arcs so far! Edit: Without spoilers, one of the arc 2 characters seems kinda different to how he does in game, but that’s probably explainable by the game version being a computer program of a dead guy, while the one in the story is pre-death and lacking access to nukes for when someone messes with a girl he likes. On the other hand I think I managed to identify two new ones before they’d even been named when they were first shown!
  16. I haven’t played the more recent Street Fighters so I don’t know if it made it into ‘em, but I bet anybody who played the old Street Fighter II and variants’d remember it and make the connection! I had a good nostalgic blast on SNES Mini when it came out – Those early voice samples were something else. Half the time I thought it was announcing “CHIP PAN!” instead of Japan.
  17. You awake to find yourself in a forest clearing. Distantly, you can hear singing. It is pretty fucking tuneless. Oh fuck, it might be Bieber. To the east here’s a sign which reads “Quit looking East”, and to the West is a very suspicious tree stump. If you choose to examine the previously unmentioned mudhole Go to 35. If you choose to win self-determination for the Republic of Molossia go to 63. If you want to know about the unsightly rash spreading across your buttocks go to 28 (Charges may apply).
  18. Just here promoting Part 9 being up!
  19. I’d definitely rather meet the Endless Death than some of ‘em. The Discworld Death seems like a decent sort though. Cats like him, that’s good enough for me!
  20. “Death Dream” is also a pairing that can get you some angry looks from fans of The Sandman.
  21. Underlit Undead Mindrape?
  22. Yeah, mentioned being absolutely crushed by work two or three weeks back, probably still busy for the January stuff!
  23. Not with that attitude!
  24. Heh, look, you can’t blame me for sticking the wrong name in there, I mean original canon had a Jotun in the role :p Spring shall spring! I mean… that might well be a sensible reaction to zombie apocalypse for most folks. The psychologic pressure can’t be fun.
  25. My writing does have that effect on people! :p No, I kid, I kid, I expect you’ve been tired as heck with the work ing lately. Invidia might be a bit slower replying – recent status updated suggested away for a bit! Thank you for the review! I just saw it after dropping the review on the latest Mortuus Orbis part! Hugely appreciated getting it, gotta love reviews Thanks! Some of the flavors may also have been salty. Lupa didn’t comment. All the other demons looking for “666 Goat Road” or something, but Shannon’s got other interests. I figure it’s a bit of a call back to Kizzy reassuring Lupa that being a vampire doesn’t automatically make her evil – her living mortal life ended when the vampires came, but then her new unlife started… and that ends with a true death. And, yeah, she does get both superpowers and superweaknesses out of it, like sunlight or the need to drink blood. I freaking love it. Probably it’s only Shannon bringing back other mortals that they need to keep the place properly heated anyway, with Kate imprisoned! Although wouldn’t want it to get all damp, I guess. Mike’s used to it by now anyway, probably sees it as Lupa’s messed up way of showing affection. Shannon would definitely enjoy George’s stories! Shannon’s jewelry is quality stuff! None of your QVC crap. That bracelet she made for Kizzy way back when all this story universe started allowed her to bind an angel with her own power, and that wasn’t even the intended use! Yeah, Lupa probably sees herself as “Shannon’s dumpy friend”, but there’s nothing wrong with her! Especially worrying maybe how much better at the social life her housemates can be – even Kizzy is a really good active listener. There’s definitely something a little supernatural about her temperature, and how it changes so quickly when she gets blood, but doesn’t freeze solid when out in subzero temperatures. I figure most of the time she’s probably noticably cooler than the room she’s in, but probably only by a degree or so, like she hasn’t quite warmed up fully, but then her temperature just doesn’t change at extremes of heat or cold ‘cos of the supernatural side not obeying yer laws of thermodynamics properly. Or something. Man, we're damn lucky I wasn't drinking anything when I read that, because I would have spat it out laughing. The fact that Lupa can now get stronger from blowjobs is extremely Shannon and both funny and sweet. You spit, Lupa swallows… :p It’s probably not just blowjobs, although I didn’t get around to writing a petrative sex scene :p It’s kinda a retread of the oral scene in the gamer girl story, except with them now having a much deeper relationship, and Mike being better at it. Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks again! Yeah, another little callback to the line from Lupa in You! that Shannon figured out the way to get her in to get Kate out, but for anyone who hasn’t read that it really just continues the mentions of Kate being imprisoned earlier on – me trying to keep it self contained as much as possible, so I’m glad that it really worked there with the standalone element!
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