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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. Not sure how the mechanics of a writing Secret Santa would go, but why don't you start one?
  2. Xiaolin Showdown category
  3. Installed 120+ games to the arcade today. More to install tomorrow...should break 1000 on the game count too.

    1. BronxWench


      You are the best! ::passes cookies to DG::

    2. FairySlayer


      You are truly the Game Mistress, though if I were to write a story based on you then it would be as the Database Mistress. (Okay, I'm too punchy to even try to make a sexy query...)

      Anyway, thanks for all you do. :)

    3. ApolloImperium
  4. She didn't remove her stories or profile from the site. I did. When she registered, she was not 18. She KNEW she was not allowed to use the site at the time she registered, just like the rest of the underagers I've deleted in past have known this. To say it was for "reasons she doesn't know" is ridiculous
  5. My problem with this tag, is that it would easily be mistaken for as we now allow RPs in the archive between users.
  6. Glad you didn't post it to the books subdomain. It's done, and here it is.
  7. I'll scan more in depth later, but yes, this sounds awfully familiar to me. I KNOW I've seen it before.
  8. DemonGoddess

    Missing story

    I did an extensive search, and it doesn't look like staff deleted it.
  9. Added in 1 through F as Descent, The.
  10. no surprise, this one used an invalid email. I'm going to try another option though for tracking. So, if you don't mind, until I tell you otherwise, leave the review up while I do this.
  11. thanks Grander, I'll see what I can do for this.
  12. I'll do this by author and give you a few more to look at Shigure-san Demetria Miriam Vyperbites
  13. DemonGoddess


    You mean this story?
  14. those are fixed now too
  15. A reminder to all voters: Please make sure you either vote in the poll OR post your vote as a response to the topic. One or the other, so we don't have duplicate votes. Thanks in advance!
  16. sure thing Bellsie, you forum account is gone
  17. Along with the story, I'll be deleting the duplicate profile. Will take care of it after work.
  18. I'll take care of them after work.
  19. The user, rather than correcting a story issue, deleted the story.
  20. One other bit of advice for you guys this person likes to target. Turn OFF anonymous reviews. By doing that, they HAVE to be logged in to leave you reviews. Which gives me a link to follow to be able to trace 'em. Which is why they don't normally do this logged in.
  21. I'm going to do one other thing, which I normally would not do, which is use your review board and make a statement to these asshats. This is infuriating that they do this.
  22. Oh, did have one thought, there is always the option of looking through the pair specific sub sub categories. Granted, we do not have the hp subdomain sorted yet, but a good many of the stories belonging to specific pairs are in their appropriate categories.
  23. First of all, the current search function is definitely outdated. Not only that, it is not designed to search a database bigger than 200MB. As ours is 7.7GB, you can see the problem with the current engine. We recently paid to have a much stronger search API installed at the root in the server itself. As this is something which required shell access, it's not something I was able to do. Instead, the hosting company did. While Sphinx search is enabled for the forum, currently, it's not yet set up in the archive. The reason for that is that the search script itself has to be rewritten to allow for it to be used, and to make it so we don't go into query overload when it does. As the Sphinx engine allows for 2000 returns on a search, I do have to be careful in just HOW this is done, or the search function won't work AT ALL. I'm also redoing the search FORM, so that we can have more search options than what is currently there, such as the ratings field.
  24. Absolutely! I'll get this squared away for you. You writers in this pairing, when this happens, please do let me know. I can fix it, not a problem. For whatever reason (mind you, the pair specific categories are there for a REASON. You don't like the pair, don't click the damn link), this particular sub sub category gets nailed on a fairly regular basis. As is always the case, this person (I should say people, there's a few of 'em) do this anonymously, so that I can't trace 'em back to a real profile. Cowardly twits.
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