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Everything posted by WotanAnubis
I may be making too broad a generalisation here, but... I rather suspect that the majority of Final Fantasy 7 fans that write fanfic on this site are... Well... Rabid yaoi fangirls. Of the obsessive, creepy kind. So it's not that surprising there's so much crap out there.
Uhm... as far as I know, pretty much every branch of Christianity has some problem with sex and sexuality, not just Catholicism.
And after the spanking... Nah, too easy.
Yeah, I agree. I don't mind concrit, as long as it's, you know, based on the reality of my writing skills (and not a complaint that my PWP piece lacks a plot). After all, my fave review ever is a single, yet memorable, line of criticism. But I won't say no to line after line of gushing. Not just because it means someone liked my fic, but also because they bother to tell me why and what bits of my fic they especially liked. That kind of thing is really nice to hear once in a while.
Since I mostly write videogame fic, I usually play the soundtrack of the game I'm writing about. It helps set the atmosphere and get the characters as right as I possibly can. However, if I don't have that soundtrack I usually play some Baten Kaitos.
Prepare to be very disappointed.
Forgive me, but... as a person with Hermione/Lucius and Hermione/Snape signatures, I'm not quite sure your point is totally valid. Unless you recognise the ridiculousness of those pairings, of course, and just ship them for some reason other than potential realism.
Yes, I speak Dutch! It's a really ugly language, but I speak it. Anyways... "There, on the deck!" is indeed translated into "Daar, op het dek!". Provided we're talking about boats here and not a deck of cards. "There are two of them!", on the other hand, should probably be translated into "Er zijn er twee van!" Unfortunately, in the Dutch, this kind of implies there being two things rather than two people. For people, "Er zijn er twee!" would be more appropriate. As for an expletive. Well, assuming there are two people and whoever yells the phrase isn't happy about it: "Er zijn er verdomme twee!" Which very roughly translates into "There are two of them, dammit!" Also possible would be: "Er zijn (er) twee van die kankerlijers!" Which roughly translates into "There are two of those bastards!" (lit: 'sufferers of cancer') Yes, the Dutch language uses awful diseases as swearwords and insults.
Well, if we must tie Al Qaida (I spelt that wrong, didn't I?) to any particular country, it would have to be Afghanistan. And, quite frankly, there aren't very many people who believe invading Afghanistan was wrong. They may disagree about the handling of the invasion, but the invasion itself... Heck, even I, a pacifist through and through, don't mind the fact there are still Dutch troops in Afghanistan. That said... This topic was about Iraq, wasn't it?
Yep, complete and utter virgin here. Never even went down on someone, never got a blowjob. Never even kissed someone. Never dated. So, yeah, virgin.
Enjoy. Although personally it took me a few readthroughs before I really started appreciating the book. Same with Monstrous Regiment, really. Anyways, I'm currently reading Good Omens. Again.
Ever heard of Calibos? He drew Transformers porn. And apparently some of it was based on the stories of someone who wrote Transformers porn. See if you can hunt it down somewhere. It'll probably give you a few ideas (that you may or may not want).
Hey now. You mentioned Frankenstein and Dr. Jekyll and they were genuinely trying to do good. One wanted to beat death, the other wanted to banish evil. They and their methods may have been mad, but their motivation was to help mankind.
I... wouldn't know really. Personally, I have trouble making sex scenes last longer than a few paragraphs. But... 20 pages? How do you keep that up without getting repetitive sooner or later?
Probably not. But the point is that, when minors do enter the site, it's very clearly the fault of the minor, not the site. So the site is free from blame and can't be sued (well I guess it can be sued, but it'd be a lost cause).
Same here. I got stories in six different sections. So I decided to just check up on those sections where I've recently added/updated a story. Much less frustrating that way. Plus, all the time not wandering around aimlessly in various sections is time that can be spent on writing. Well... theoretically.
I am trying to get a simple little Advance Wars one-shot finished. I am constantly getting distracted by the shiny, shiny internet. I am still thinking about the Samurai Pizza Cats, which also doesn't help. I am fearing all this may lead to yet another unfinished one-shot of mine.
I am reciting the Samurai Pizza Cats Fanclub Oath over and over and over again in my mind.
Chloe/Kirika from Noir Sorry, but it's just not going to work. No way. Not with Kirika Kirika.
I dunno. It was pretty relevant to me. First I didn't get snuff, now I get snuff. I don't have to like it, mind you, but at least I don't hate it any more. I'd call that progress. Where it did get irrelevant was where you tried to convince me that my mind doesn't work the way I know it does.
This is going to derail the thread even further, but... Isn't that an archetype?
You're making two very big assumptions here. Now, one of them I will admit is true. It's why I failed all those Dutch tests and it's also why I think the majority of Dutch literature is so mind-numbingly boring. The other... no. Just... no.
I'm going to drop this now, because we're not getting anywhere. I will, however, say one more thing because it's important to me. I know the difference between fiction and reality. That's why I'm not in a mental institution after all. But in my mind, what people think matters. A lot. So thinking elaborately about killing someone matters. It doesn't matter as much as really killing someone, obviously, but to someone like me it's very worrying indeed. To put it crudely, thinking is not reality and it's not fiction. Your thoughts are what make you you. And you think about killing. Whether the target of this mental kill is real, fictional or a substitute for yourself hardly matters after that. But... Thank you for saying this, by the way, because it explains a lot to me. To me, fictional characters are people. Period. They cannot be related to as people to some extent. They are people. People who are not me, by the way. They are not symbols. To me, they are never symbols. This is probably also why I did so very badly on my Dutch tests. So because you do not see them as people, you can do to them whatever you like. Because I do see them as people, I can't. Maybe. But I'm not interested in literature. I'm just interested in enjoyable stories. And like I said, I cannot see the characters in my stories as symbols or tools. My dramatic fluff makes my mind rather rigid and unbending. But at least now I can understand you, somewhat. I can't think about people as being symbolic - my mind's not set up that way. So I also can't, or couldn't, imagine that, to others, people can be symbolic. So as long as I remember that your fictional characters are symbols and not people, I think I can almost start to get it.
In your opinion, I am indeed wrong. In my opinion, you are, I must admit, rather scary. Everybody else kills off people because they hate them, which I can understand. You kill off people because you love them, which I can't. But my (technical) insanity doesn't automatically make me wrong, it just makes me see the world rather differently. And you need to understand this if you want to understand my viewpoint. And it seems I will remain ignorant. According to you, the lust for someone's (OK, a fictional someone's) physical and mental destruction is both loving and sacred. Because I do not get this, I am, apparently, wrong, ignorant and a threat to society. Yet no real attempt at explaining why such lust is loving and sacred has been made. Apparently, if I don't get it, I will never get it and no amount of reasonable debate will change my mind. So I suppose I will continue to be wrong, ignorant and a threat to society. I don't care who changed my title. I just wanted them to know they were... how to put this... being redundant?
7/10 Calvin and Hobbes is certainly fun, but there're better C&H comics out there.