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Everything posted by WotanAnubis

  1. I've just finished reading Kitty Goes to Washington and am now somewhere at the beginning of Kitty Takes a Holiday, both by Carrie Vaughn. Yeah, you could say I like the series. Woe is me that there're only three books (so far). I'd like to say to that it's kind of like a light-hearted Anita Blake from before LKH went insane, but that'd be a lie. I never liked Anita nearly as much as I like Kitty.
  2. Rape, snuff, gore, 'vore. Basically anything where the torture/humilation/gruesome death of a particular character is the entire point. I can't write that. Mostly because it makes me want to punch people in the face. Then there's stuff like yaoi, scat and watersports that simply doesn't interest me.
  3. Considering you've got presidential hopefuls looking to score points by advocating "double Guantanamo" and other ridiculousness, I'd say Bush's presidency is going to echo into the future for quite some time yet. And not in a good way.
  4. Rufus. Easily. Only character from the game I still really like (as opposed to still kinda like - I'm looking at you, Reno and Vincent).
  5. Kitty and The Midnight Hour by Carrie Vaughn. Well... more or less. Actually, I just tore through it in a single day, so it may be more accurate to say that I just finished reading it. What can I say? I'm a sucker for books with a werewolf as the heroine.
  6. I voted "Yes, with consent" as well, because otherwise the whole thing might, you know, explode. Also, I'm assuming that 'spouse' is used as a gender-neutral word here. And if I could deal with such a relationship? I don't know. I'm not sure I can deal with a relationship period.
  7. I was a bit too young to remember that one. For me, Darkwing Duck is the pinnacle of nostalgia. Well, and Samurai Pizza Cats. Man I loved that one. I probably watched those series when I was 12. Also, Darkwing Duck has the dubious honour of being the first show I regularly quoted at random, and some of Darkwing's expressions have entrenched themselves into my vocabulary. "'Sevezien. Bomen, Kwekelien, Staalhaan, kernraketten, meer bomen..."
  8. I'm curious. I want to ask why you think that version is more amusing than any other. I mean, yeah, I think it's hilarious, but that's because I grew up with it. So I probably have a blind spot.
  9. Reading, no question. I'd probably still be writing stories in my head, but I'd have no problems not putting onto paper. But perhaps I only think that because I'm so used to having the option available to me. Well, whatever. I'd still pick reading.
  10. Nobody has problems such as mine. For months now, the government has been trying to give me money. They claim I paid too much sewer tax and now they want to give me back 200 Euro. The thing is, due to my unusual living arrangments, I never paid any sewer taxes. So now, every week, I get a letter from the government saying that they want to give me 200 Euro, but they can't since that particular department doesn't have my bank account number. Seriously. The government doesn't pester me much about paying stuff (probably because I pay up pretty readily), but they're sure persistant about giving me stuff I don't even have a right to.
  11. The following rant has no real point. I just feel the need to vent and be very unfair to someone. I've never made a very big secret of the fact that I'm not mentally healthy, technically speaking. As such, I live in a house with several others who have or have had certain mental difficulties. One of these others has had psychotic episodes and will doubtlessly have them again in the future. Now, while living with someone in the middle of a psychotic episode isn't much fun (why is there a band-aid over this lock? Why is there a note saying this closet belongs to the US government? Who hid this knife behind the radio?), at least I can forgive them for their wackiness on account of them being... well... not quite in touch with reality as the rest of us defines it. But unfortunately, when they return to normal, so to speak, they think that whatever they experienced during their episode really, actually happened. It's not really their fault, but it can get... tiresome. Enemies everywhere. People brainwashing them in their youth. Being shown what life and death really are (while, of course, not being allowed to reveal the source(s) of this wondrous knowledge). Insisting that they played Riviera: The Promised Land on their dad's old Amiga. Oh, and they're absolutely not schizophrenic, because schizophrenic people have multiple personalities and anyway they've never had a psychotic episode, really, those were all lies concocted by their enemies to get them locked up in an institution. Ah well. At least they've stopped claiming they've single-handedly prevented the Israel/Palastine conflict from going nuclear. For the moment, anyway.
  12. Unfortunately, I can't. Though I do write little more than plotless smut, I need some justification why these people are having sex with each other. And because Ena is involved something like 'because they're all really, really horny' just doesn't cut it. Unfortunately, my brain has failed to come up with an appropriate justification, so I don't even know where to start.
  13. Dear brain, Please cut it out with the random plot bunnies. Yes, I will admit that a Jill/Lethe/Ena/Leanne foursome would be rather nice and probably hugely symbolic in some way, but there's just no way I could write something like that and make it believable. So knock it off. Thanks, Me
  14. I have now. Not much of it, I'll admit, but enough to decide that perhaps I should have used a word stronger than "agony".
  15. Dear diary, Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. We got kidnapped by hill-folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever. ... Sorry, had to do it. Anyways, went to pick up my new ID today because my old one was about to expire. Upon returning home, lo and behold, I find a letter from the government telling me that my old ID is about to expire and I should really apply for a new one. Bureaucracy, eh? Tried to write some smut today. Mostly I wanted to work on a short Titania/Ena piece I started, but I kept thinking about continuing my harem fic project. In the end, most of my time was taken up by considering who Vaida's sparring partner should be during the fic's opening scene. Isadora seems the most logical choice, but she's pretty prominent already, so I don't know. I also reorganised my Fire Emblem hentai folder. Turns out, I have a proportionally large amount of Lyn/Florina pics. I'm weirdly happy about this. The Jill/Lethe counter is still at zero, though. This saddens me. PS: Women who are having an orgasm (I'm assuming) should not look like they're screaming in agony. Thank you. ----- Feel free to comment, if you truly feel the urge.
  16. PARTS - Capricious Comet
  17. I'm reading Thud! again, after which I'll be forced, forced! I say, to read Where's My Cow? once more.
  18. While I was supposed finally finish a sex scene I've been struggling with for weeks, I decided to compile a quick list outlining the various fandoms and pairings I've written fics for on AFF for absolutely no good reason whatsoever other than that I felt like it. From this list (or perhaps these lists), I can cleary see that I enjoy writing yuri, that my interests tend to wander, that I rather like incest and selfcest stories and that the Fire Emblem series owns my soul. Oh, and possibly that I'm something of a polyamorist at heart. Of course, I already knew all of this about myself, but now you know it too. Aren't you lucky. In any case, if anyone else feels the need to share their totally pointless AFF facts, please feel free. * * * * * Fandoms Originals - 2 Azumanga Daioh - 3 Noir - 1 Gundam SEED - 1 Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 1 Kim Possible - 2 Winx Club - 3 Yu-Gi-Oh - 1 Yu-Gi-Oh GX - 1 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - 1 Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin - 1 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - 2 Metroid - 1 Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines - 1 Riviera: The Promised Land - 2 The Legend of Zelda - 2 Summon Night: Swordcraft Story - 2 Rumble Roses - 1 Advance Wars - 3 Another Code: Two Memories - 1 Baten Kaitos - 1 F-Zero - 1 Neopets - 1 Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken - 4 Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - 2 Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - 5 Fire Emblem X-Over(kinda) - 1 ----- Pairings OC/OC - 2 Sakaki/Kagura - 2 Sakaki/Yomi - 1 Mireille/Kirika - 1 Natarle/Murrue - 1 Buffy/Dawn - 1 Kim/Shego - 1(/2) Kim/Kim - 1 Kim/Monique - 1(/0) Kim/Bonnie - 1(/0) Bloom/Tecna - 1 Bloom/Musa - 1 Bloom/Stella - 1 Bloom/Flora/Mirta - 0(/1) Flora/Mirta - 1(/2) Tecna/Tecna - 1 Mai/Harpie Lady Sisters/Téa - 1 Alexis/Mai/Téa - 1 Bastila/Revan - 1 Stella/Charlotte/Loretta - 1 Lana/Ema - 2 Samus/Samus - 1 Jeanette/Therese - 1 Serene/Cierra - 1 Cierra/Serene/Fia - 1 Zelda/Ruto - 1 Zelda/Nabooru - 0(/1) Zelda/OC - 1 Sugar/Pratty/Sanary/Razzy - 2 Candy Cane/Miss Spencer - 1 Sonja/Lash - 2(/3) Jess/Sasha - 1 Nell/Rachel - 0(/1) Grit/Max - 0(/1) Ashley/Jessica - 0(/1) Xelha/Savyna - 1 Princia/Lily - 1 Illusen/Jhudora - 1 Vaida/Pretty much every woman in Rekka no Ken - 2 Pretty much every woman in Rekka no Ken/Pretty much every other woman in Rekka no Ken - 1(/2) Vaida/Fiora/Farina - 1(/3) Fiora/Farina - 1(/4) Fiora/Florina/Farina - 0(/1) Lyn/Florina - 0(/1) Isadora/Eleanora - 1 Vanessa/Syrene - 1 Eirika/L'Arachel - 1 Eirika/Ephraim - 1 Calill/Nephenee - 1 Jill/Lethe - 4 Tanith/Sigrun - 1
  19. I don't usually meddle in the wonderful world of flashbacks, but here's how I would probably do one... I think I'd either repeat the last line of the scene that came before it if it'd be appropriate, but in italics. Might seem clunky, but there's an instant connection there. Or I'd write the opening line of the flashback in such a way that there can be absolutely no doubt that this scene doesn't connect to the previous one chronologically and then trust the reader's smart enough to figure out what's going on as the scene progresses. So... I guess I'd either create a totally obvious connection or a totally obvious disconnect. Hmm. Maybe this isn't such good advice after all.
  20. Honestly? I don't really know. Taller than 1.80, I know that. I don't really measure myself very often. Or at all. According to some online feet/inches-to-centimeters conversion I think I'm somewhere between 6'0" and 6'1". I may be erring on the low side here, but better safe than sorry. And I'd be taller if I actually stood up straight too.
  21. Well, in real life, I am quiet, I do always open the door and since I belong to the tallest people in the world (on average) I dare say I might be even taller than you are. That said, I'd like to be Gomez.
  22. Ha! The exact same comic I linked to. Except I linked to the creator's own page, whereas you linked to livejournal. Ah well.
  23. The link doesn't work for me either. But, to keep on topic, you should probably check this webcomic out. The DM of the Rings
  24. In that case, honesty forces me to confess that I totally stole it from a Discworld book. I'm not quite sure which Discworld book, but I think it was Men At Arms.
  25. Yeah, but there's a minute difference between just being weird and frothing at the brain. I mean, sure, I'm a staunch defender of Jill/Lethe, but I don't flip out when someone suggests they could also be romantically involved with someone else. Or something.
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