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Everything posted by WotanAnubis

  1. WotanAnubis

    Funny Reviews?

    I think this one must be my favourite constructive criticism ever: Too much "cock". And this is absolutely true. When talking about the male organ, I almost always use 'cock', with the occasional 'penis' in the preliminary stages and the occasional 'shaft' if we're talking about a blowjob or something. But other than that, it's pretty much 'cock' all the way. That is, unfortunately, also because there are very few words for 'penis' that I find acceptable in the kind of stories I write.
  2. I think that's probably something of a chicken-and-egg situation, isn't it?
  3. There has been more than one version of Paint!? My mind, it is blown.
  4. Of course peace is Satanic. Nothing could possibly be worse, really. You see, the world is more or less destined to get worse and worse and worse and worse. Wars, plagues, pollution, famine and so on will tear the world apart. And then the Rapture will occur. This is all according to God's plan, by the way. So having more wars, more plagues, more famine, more death is a Good Thing (and therefore peace, vaccines and adequate food supplies are all Bad Things going against God's plan), because that means the End Times are coming and Jesus will soon make His glorious reappearing and establish his 1,000-year Kingdom. And I really wish I was making this stuff up, but I'm not. Apparently, there are people out there who really believe this. So that's why the peace symbol is Satanic. According to some people.
  5. Well, I have a new signature that's very similar to my old signature, though less wordy, and it has been written in the ancient language of the herons of Serenes Forest.
  6. Neither have I. Then again... I've never dated anyone.
  7. It's also one of the few games with more female main characters than male main characters. And it's not fanservice! And yes, I actually pay attention to that kinda thing.
  8. WotanAnubis


    I don't think Téa's the only one with sizeable boobage. I believe Mai's breasts for one are just as big.
  9. I didn't do a single, blessed thing. In fact, I completely forgot about it. Actually, 'forget' may be the wrong word. Nobody celebrates it, so how can I be said to forget a celebration if it isn't celebrated?
  10. And episode 12 is even worse... in America!
  11. Yeah, I found last week or something. And pretty much every day I watch at least one episode. Although I usually watch all of them. I just find them that hilarious.
  12. Yep, me too. Of course, I appreciate some reviews more than I do others, but I like 'em all. Except ALLCAPS. I don't like reviews in ALLCAPS.
  13. Well, triplets are a possibility. Maybe intersexed, if you count that as a seperate gender.
  14. Fair enough. Still. It still does kind of rather heavily imply that Church and State are, in fact, not seperated. Also, atheists are still screwed.
  15. Perhaps. But everybody knows that there is only deity who is named "God". No other deity in the world is called "God". They're all gods, yes, but not God. Even when they are Allah or YHWH, they are not God. 'God' is always the Christian deity. Always. To try and deny this in a possibly vain attempt at political correctness is... rather silly. Also, if people really do translate 'God' into the deity of their choice in the privacy of their minds (something I doubt), then atheists are in some real trouble. The best they can think is "Hah! What a joke!", which would rather diminish the supposed solemnity of the pledge.
  16. I realise that. But seriously, when somebody comes up to you and asks "Would you like to talk about God?" do you really assume he or she could be talking about Islam or Judaism?
  17. I don't think it's open to interpretation. 'God' is clearly used as a name you might say. Otherwise it would be "Under a god". God with a capital letter is always used to designate the Christian deity. Never is "God" used to denote Allah, Shakti or the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
  18. I'm not American, I've never been forced or prompted to publicly pledge loyalty to my country every damn day and I think the whole "Pledge of Allegiance" thing is a bit too close to brainwashing/propaganda in any case so my opinion my not count, but I'm gonna give it anyway. My opinion is based on 1 thing: Seperation of Church and State. America is not a nation under God. It's not a theocracy, after all (although... recently...). The phrase should go. If I'm not mistaken it was only introduced to weed out the communists anyway and the days of McCarthy are over. If the phrase does have to stay 'God' should be allowed to be by substituted by whatever the person feels should go there. "One Nation Under Allah", "One Nation Under Vishnu", "One Nation Under The Invisible Pink Unicorn" and so on and so forth. Of course, this does present somewhat of a problem for atheist, but they should be allowed to have their fingers crossed.
  19. I write... I believe it's called third person limited omniscient or something. Which sometimes really bites when I want to offer multiple perspectives during a single scene. But still I think it's the best way to tell a story and get the reader to relate. I also make heavy use of dialogue and, because I'm an emotional cripple, I tend to imply rather than state.
  20. Meh. Cloud got to do frickin' everything. Everybody else got, like, one cool fight scene at best, but Cloud got to have the 1337 chase scenes, take down both the huge monster (while the rest played cheerleader) and the whiny momma's boy. Rufus was cool, though.
  21. In all honesty, the Founding Fathers themselves weren't religious fanatics. Then again, a lot of the early immigrants were those religious fanatics Europe was really fed up with.
  22. These two lines rather hilariously contradict each other.
  23. I always have trouble picking my favourite fic. Usually because, when I look back on them, I tend to cringe. But if I had to choose I would go with Sister Daddy because it's so beautifully fucked up. A good second place, I think, would be Dark Mirrors, because I think I managed to avoid too much confusion about just what's going on, while at the same time having just a bit of confusion anyway. Oh, and I kinda like Bonds for actually trying to kind of explore a relationship.
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