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Everything posted by WotanAnubis

  1. Hero of the Imperium, because I've been playing way too much Dawn of War lately. Well, and because the protagonist is called Ciaphas Cain, which appeals to my sense of Biblical humour.
  2. So, how's that rash coming? Dwarfs, spaceships, something like that anyway.
  3. Seems to be back now. Except they use 'Next' instead of 'Older'.
  4. Interesting. Listening to Frou Frou's cover of Holding Out For A Hero really makes me want to write Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem fic. I know I should not be entirely surprised by this - in my mind a lot of music gets linked to certain videogames. It's just that in most of those cases the links are really rather obvious. However, I cannot help but wonder why a song I heard in the ending credits of Shrek causes me to think about a semi-Lovecraftian horror game.
  5. Somehow I think that's a troll of some sort.
  6. Well, I'm finally branching out into the Books section. If this keeps up, I might eventually have at least one fic in every section of the site. Well... maybe not. Anyways, my entrance into the Books section is marked by Public Relations: a short little bit of PWP smut. It's based on the Discworld series in general and Monstrous Regiment in particular. It also contains a few significant spoilers for that book, so read at your own discretion. Public Relations
  7. Strange. All the pages are loading normally for me.
  8. 9060
  9. Inescapable Fate - Yuka Tsujiyoko
  10. According to that site, my country, the Netherlands, only has 2 dumb laws: And I don't even think they're that dumb. Is this a sign that Dutch lawmakers are actually somewhat competent or that the site hasn't thorouhgly investigated Dutch law? I'm betting it's the latter.
  11. Aw, but I'm having such a nice panic going.
  12. Don't you know "May you live in interesting times" is a curse? I don't want things to be exciting and unstable, I just want a site where I can post my pr0n no matter fandom it happens to be for.
  13. I think we're all feeling a little apprehensive here. No, scratch that, very apprehensive. Also, curiously, the news post didn't really help matters. I mean, come on: Don't they know that sort of thing translates into "Oh God, we're all fucked"?
  14. WotanAnubis

    I Am...

    I am curiously unmotivated to finish the story I really wanted to finish. I am also confused and angry.
  15. ... Oh, this is all going to end in tears, isn't it?
  16. Jesus Christ. I'm happy if one of my stories gets more than 5 reviews. I though 500 would be impossible. Then again, I don't exactly write multi-chapter epics either.
  17. Middle of August. Apparently on a Sunday as well.
  18. You have no idea how many arguments such a statement would spawn on a futanari board. But then again, futa's are usually considered female whereas transvestites are usually considered male (provided they are... you know... men dressing as women, not women dressing as men).
  19. Well, I'm not saying I have any knowledge of the drag scene or whatever, but... For one thing, I don't think anyone's in drag 24/7. Also, I think it's more about screwing around with gender roles, traditions and expectations rather than sexuality.
  20. You're talking about transexuals. NinjaGaijin was asking about transvestites. Personally, I think people who are attracted to male transvestites are straight or bisexual if female and gay or bisexual if male. But that's just a guess.
  21. MYTH: There is always a man in a lesbian relationship. FACT: Lesbians are rather notorious for being women. There is no 'man' in a lesbian relationship. Even if the butchiest butch hooked up with the femmiest femme there would still be nobody to take on the role of the 'man'. Because they're women who like women.
  22. I've been diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder on... lemme think... three seperate occasions. Fortunately, only one of those psychiatrists wanted to stuff me full of pills because he was convinced I'd be schizophrenic in a matter of years. I refused. I'm still not schizophrenic, so I think it worked out. I also have a bunch of irrational fears that are powerful enough to hamper me in everyday life, but I'm not really sure if that counts.
  23. A day early, but thank you. Although, my response is on the right day. In my time-zone, at least.
  24. I hope you don't feel too ripped off.
  25. I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm a native speaker too, but Dutch just isn't very pleasant to the ear. It's a functional language, but not a very poetic one, so to speak. It's very difficult to play with. On the other hand, the swearing is awesome.
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