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Everything posted by WotanAnubis

  1. Actually, I have a rooted objection to harming people in any way, shape or form, so I don't consider myself to be that dangerous. No, actually. 'Snuff', of course, comes from the phenomenon of the 'snuff film', where the whole point is that someone gets killed on film. So death is the point. Any fiction where it's not merely about seeing someone die, doesn't really count as snuff, in my opinion. Slasher horror, maybe, but not snuff. I realise this, but it was the best term I could come up with. However, realise this: as a schizoid, I live mostly inside my own head. What happens there is often far more important to me than what actually happens outside my head. And by extension, that also means that what happens inside anybody else's head is just as if not more important to me than what they actually do. For example, someone giving money to a beggar because he wants to help that person is 'more good' than someone else giving exactly the same amount to a beggar because he thinks that'll get him into Heaven. I'll admit the excuse "I'm only thinking about, but I'm not doing it" does go a long way. But it doesn't excuse you completely because you still think about it. I know my sexuality is warped, but how can you not enjoy something you think is hot? You're right, I'm not. And rather happy for it too. But... err... "Nothing can beat the music of hundreds of voices screaming in unison!" "I will destroy everything! I will create a monument to non-existence!" "Life...Dreams...Hope...Where'd they come from? And where are they headed...? These things...I'm going to destroy!!" It sounds to me like you're on the same mental level as Kefka. But I'm quite sure there's a world of difference between the two of you, because you're only doing it to people who don't exist, whereas Kefka did it to people who did live in his world. EDIT: Also, doesn't the fact that I'm a member of the thought police automatically mean that I'm also part of the Ministry of Love? So no need to mention that twice, is there?
  2. No, I'm unfortunately philosophical. And technically insane. So my warped viewpoint is this: Fictional people exist. Yes, I know, they don't exist exist, but they do have an existence. Unless you're a really bad writer you know these people. You know their personalities, their friends, their hopes, their jobs, their dreams. They're probably more real to you than some of the people on this forum. I don't mind character death if it serves the plot, or if there is some point to it. Hell, I've killed characters when I had to. But with snuff, death is the plot, and it's the only point. So to horribly slaughter someone in the most gruesome way imagineable just for the sake of horribly slaughtering someone in the most gruesome way imagineable... yeah, I got an issue with that. To so gleefully delight in someone's death is a bit... wrong to me. I'd almost consider it thoughtcrime. One you're allowed to commit, but one with which you're showing a spectacular disregard for life all the same.
  3. Yes. Because slow, senseless slaughter is something you only do to your friends. Right.
  4. 2006 was a pretty good year for me. I was officially declared insane, after all. Anyways... HAPPY 2007
  5. WotanAnubis

    I Am...

    I am a PWP writer with an average libido of 0. I am also totally disinterested in having a relationship with anyone.
  6. I used to think that was so... well... I don't really have a polite way of saying it, so let's settle for... ...fanpersonish... Harry/Draco? Cloud/Sephiroth? None of this ever made any kind of sense to me. And now, I got one such couple in my sig. Of course, it helps that the canon already clearly shows them going from enemies to really close friends, but still. So maybe I should rethink my opinion on this one.
  7. I'm not nearly obsessed enough to be considered an authority on FF7, but it sounds like a bit of fanon to me.
  8. Everything? Even surfing for Internet pr0n and... ah... enjoying it at the same time?
  9. 'This' being... writing? If so: read. A lot. Seriously. Read a lot of books. It'll help. Also, learn how to spell and how to use capitalisation and punctuation. It'll make everything seem cleaner and more readable. Other than that, I'm not really an expert on helping people, so maybe others should take over here.
  10. Hmm. Perhaps. But badfics all the same.
  11. You know, it begins to occur to me that snuff fics are nothing more than character bashing taken to extremes.
  12. Really? Hmm. Perhaps I should've said "only those countries that were, at one point, part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands". Or, considering our history, "The Republic of the Netherlands".
  13. The bread and chocolate things are correct. 'Spread'... I'm not sure. I've been told the Netherlands is perhaps the only country in the world where people sprinkle chocolate all over their bread for breakfast so maybe there's no real accurate translation for hagelslag.
  14. Just a few... ... Aw dammit, I don't know how to say "boterhammen met hagelslag" in English. How ridiculous is that? I write bunches of lesbian pr0n, but I don't know how to describe breakfast? I also had milk, by the way.
  15. I'm currently reading Catch 22. I like it, but I find I can't keep reading it for extended periods of time. Probably because it seems to go round and round in circles sometimes.
  16. I never did no exams! Insanity FTW!
  17. Nah. I think one of the toughest times would be the outbreak of a massive flame war, or an invasion of trolls. The extended disappearance of the site this forum's about is nothing compared to such a potential catastrophe. Possibly.
  18. WotanAnubis

    Anita Blake

    You know, I vaguely remember reading the first books and in those, Anita seemed very concerned about staying somewhat chaste. And now here, I read about all the group sex she's continuously having. Did something change somewhere down the road?
  19. Well, if you feel the need to explain that "Big Brother is watching (you)" is a phrase from a book by George Orwell called 1984 I don't think you'd consider that book to be any kind of famous. Maybe not full-fledged obscurity, but definitely not well-known. I think.
  20. Wait, when did 1984 become somewhat obscure?
  21. You know, I honestly don't know in which of the two camps I fall here. On the one hand, let's be honest here, I mostly write simple PWPs where the whole point is that the women involved have sex with each other. On the other hand, I've scrapped lots of stories simply because I couldn't get the characters to behave in-character enough for my tastes. I mean, I'd like to think that the kind of lesbians I write aren't bleached blondes with very long fingernails, but... Ah well. Never mind.
  22. I is good.
  23. And links shall be provided. Provided you don't just abandon AFF.net, 'cuz we need more good futanari writers in my (possibly lonely) opinion. Anyways... Less members, more activity so far: F3 Boards More members, less activity so far: Futanari Kingdom
  24. Too late. I'm already the resident yuri and futanari writer. Although I admit I don't come from 4chan. And yeah, it's unfortunate 0bsidian went down, but you do know 2 new forums have started up to handle the fallout, right?
  25. WotanAnubis

    Funny Reviews?

    Crazy Ivan? Meh, he's not that funny in my opinion. More... random.
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