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Keith Inc.

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Everything posted by Keith Inc.

  1. very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very repetitious. Except when it's _____________-
  2. Neither have i. I have never had to change travel plans because of what a doctor found.
  3. ^ braggart < not sure. Knowledge can be gained alone and no one snickers when you brag about achieving it by spending an hour reading. <Would read until eyes fell out, if they let < V would rather write then read
  4. a time machine, to change evolution so the Sheep develop language skills. But then, we have to go back after the interview and__________
  5. 9/10. I like the comic strip, the only thing that would improve it would somehow putting the post warning in the front of the post content.
  6. G: Was young, stupid and something of an attention whore. Now, i'm no longer young. G/NG: considers themselves the black sheep of the family.
  7. When have i ever expressed disbelief for your statements?
  8. Neither have i. I just go for lemon drops dissolved in Coke. I have never worn a tie to a fancy restaurant.
  9. Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec, favored short artist of cartoonists everywhere.
  10. ^ has seen it? < 4 submarines, 1 tender, two shore commands, 14 patrols, 2 shakedowns, instructor,leading petty officer, wharf supervisor, nuclear weapon handler, enough collateral duties to choke a horse, qualified to shoot a dozen weapons, and duty driver V has a resume with a smiley face on it
  11. Keith Inc.

    Anita Blake

    Okay. I like Richard. He's almost a Marvel Comic Book Hero. He didn't want to be a were, didn't want to be leader of the pack, most of his actions he takes to protect others. He tries to turn his powers into something positive, to bring the pack into the 20th century, to tame the monster. Even his attempt to be the dick he thought Anita wanted was part of an attempt to maintain control so he could civilize his pack. Unfortunately, there are two problems for him. Deep down, he's not the realist Anita is. She has realized that we cannot change our nature. She's only beginning to really understand what her nature is, but she's facing it a lot more straightforward that Richard has since he became a were. Also Richard has not given up his childhood goals, morals or ideas of what a proper wife should be. Anita has recognized that the morals she was raised with don't quite apply to a necromancer succubus with more than honorary membership in four or five shapechanger clubs despite not changing. Richard is still hopinghe can get on top of this whole werewolf thing and 'back to his life.' Anita sees her former self as a former, not a goal. --------- Aside from that, I hated Obsidian Butterfly. At the start, Anita paired with Edward, over the horizon and far from the two causingmost of her angst, confusion and heartache? It should have rocked. Death and the Executioner vs....well, vs. anything would have been a novel that would have been the first one made into a movie. Blood, death, explosions, mission-oriented conversations, undeath, final death, permanent death, ancient gods whimpering for their ancient mommies, Beowulf killing Grendel coming to look like kindergarten wrestling... But she brought her angst with her and found more. Bleah. Found the human side of Edward. Sheesh. That's one character i didn't want to see develop. Well, maybe a weapon upgrade...
  12. No, the low road is usually very lucrative. But is it possible to have too much slightly-smelly cash?
  13. ...the sheep that dreamed about my hotel. I know this because the sheep__________
  14. ^ oddly thinks you can't get enthusiastically jumped in bed <waiting in a cold house for the boiler technician to arrive V love an enthusiastic jump
  15. Yeah, yeah, the guy that couldn't hunt after the Sabre Tooth Skunk attack? Stayed and started pigmenting the walls? Man, what was his name...? Well, it wasn't: Remington
  16. I have always been a good liar. I have never taught my children how to lie well.
  17. ^ blink, blink? < Um, er, uh... V IN on whatever is going on...
  18. If they make you feel better, isn't that entertaining?
  19. I'm afraid of heights, so, me too. I have never jumped off a roof.
  20. G: I have been the only person in a room to figure out that the drama we were watching was a black comedy. Ha. And ha ha! G/NG: Has commited a faux pas and stood by it!
  21. I'll give you 9/10 on the sig, but really, i'm staring at the avatar. Is the male member ever going to penetrate the female's hole? The suspense is KILLING ME!
  22. What, you don't understand the desire to feel superior to someone who's making millions of dollars by smiling?
  23. ^ mistakes me for someone who reads more than the last two posts before posting <well, and the first two after my last post, just to see what i started V reads all the posts. All of them!
  24. G. G/NG: Has been the shark watch
  25. 5186
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