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Keith Inc.

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Everything posted by Keith Inc.

  1. Nor i, but i have eaten while bare. I have never eaten escargot
  2. I think selecting song titles by their appearance in an attention-getting thread is not the best basis for programming a playlist. But is a friend's endorsement always valid?
  3. NG. My packaging says: Original Review Whore Inside. G/NG: Has imagined at least one bullet statement that would go on their case
  4. Keith Inc.

    I Am...

    I am back from dinner at 99. I am full, replete, sated, satisfied, and round in the middle. I am happy for Daz.
  5. Keith Inc.

    I Am...

    I am appreciative of interest. I am warning all, the fetish stuff can be offensively specific.
  6. ^ is a supportive writer < Is trying to figure out where one would wear a writer supporter V Can tell me where the writer supporter cup goes.
  7. my teenage son will rise before 0900 on his day off. This is listed as one of the signs of a pending___________
  8. Keith Inc.

    I Am...

    I am a review whore. I am willing to pay for any review.
  9. Only with respect to my ostensibly non-sexual orifices. G/NG: has eaten a food not normally sold for humans
  10. Keith Inc.

    I Am...

    I am happy for Daz. Go river-rafting! I am wondering if i'm the only one that mucks with nametags here. I am willing to pay 1000 NP for a review of a story of mine.
  11. Not guilty. If it's for a good cause, or a decent joke, of course. If the uh, what do they always say? If the plot demands it. G/NG: Doesn't want to know the exact limit of what they would do for a million $'s
  12. Keith Inc.

    I Am...

    I am sympathetic to the computer-challenged among us. I am counting computers in my house. I am surprised at the number: 10, not counting PDAs or gaming systems.
  13. Johann Michael Rottmayr, Austrian
  14. Not if it's company policy. Then you just know that the company's HQ is in California. I just can't remember if i'm being cynical or sarcastic?
  15. G. If i could find anyone tha twould pay to look at < in the nude G/NG: has been to strip club NOT as a customer
  16. ^ correct, for a given value of 'textbook' < works with Documentation, and actually writes textbooks V has a flexible value of 'definition'
  17. ^ underestimates me < fear that ^ is right about ideality, though V overestimates their ability to drive on black ice
  18. How could you POSSIBLY know that for sure? I have never done well with hypothetical questions.
  19. My shirt says 'Science Fiction Museum.....' Does that count? G/NG: has used the term 'bible' for something other than that thing with Genesis and Revelation in it.
  20. In many cases, paranoia could be better termed: Paying Attention. Isn't that sad?
  21. ^ an idealist <Into ideologies V idealism is their ideology
  22. Guilty, if the Brig counts. G/NG: has a nametag not of their own choosing.
  23. Nope. I have never contacted a UFO
  24. I usually start with: "I read online about a guy that likes...." What fetish do you suspect?
  25. Nope. G/NG: Has toured a prison
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