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Keith Inc.

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Everything posted by Keith Inc.

  1. Keith Inc.

    I Am...

    I am glad everyone's having so much fun with the photo of me in the Caption thread. I am considering just how old that pic is. 1984, in fact. I am simply refusing to do the math.
  2. Keith Inc.

    I Am...

    I am sure i did that once, but kept forgetting a dry-erase marker.
  3. ^ should realize all babys get spoiled. That's why they're babies. <has three ingrate children getting weaned on teh spoiling V wants to come spoil my house apes.
  4. new genre of barbeque. It'll be the most popular when it_______
  5. ^ is judging my judgment < has no reason to think Trae is any less of a saint than, say, Peter. V has a favorite saint
  6. Keith Inc.

    I Am...

    I am able to list all the helping verbs. Am is are was were be being been has have had do does did shall will should would may might must can could. I am not able to recall the combination to the vault at work. I am unable to forget the little Helping Verb dance that was taught to me in 1974.
  7. Your statistics. Or is it you're statistics?
  8. Keith Inc.

    I Am...

    I am pretty glad i never had midterms.
  9. ^ nearly correct < guilty, but seldom has been called responsible V would call me many things besides that
  10. G. Very G. G/NG: Thinks that makes me a bad person.
  11. Keith Inc.

    I Am...

    I am the author of most of the user titles on this page....
  12. I've woken up in time zones i couldn't remember entering. But not related to alcohol. G/NG: Came here for the smut, stayed for the porn.
  13. ^ wrong < taste in alcohol resembles that of a Mormon V pities me, but completely unecessarily.
  14. Oh, love, love, love it. I have never been able to resist CCC.
  15. Oh, i never look for the answers. I just know too many psyche majors to think it doesn't mean SOMETHING. Do psyche majors every really think a horse is just a horse?
  16. Odd, that question brings to mind the polar bear snow-friendly testicles thread. Do you think that says something about me or about the board?
  17. Philosophy and Monty Python. I have never taken a formal debate class.
  18. ...they evolve a snow-friendly set of testicles? The prevailing theory includes the idea that ________
  19. I Dream of Jeannie
  20. can fuck in the snow and not leave a puddle. This is because they_________
  21. NG: though i did almost buy one as a kid. G/NG: Has been forced to reduce a child's toy's ability to make noise to the sake of the household
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