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Keith Inc.

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Everything posted by Keith Inc.

  1. Oh, i'm in favor. Wouldn't you rather your kids saw TV characters loving each other rather than killing each other?
  2. As a well-read atheist, that's a rather big guilty... G/NG: has eaten an animal they met while it was still alive
  3. Isn't that always the right question?
  4. Keith Inc.

    Answers First

    You wanna be beaten unconcious or whipped until stripes of skin are torn outta your hide? ------------ Oh, Paul Lynde, probably.
  5. Keith Inc.

    Answers First

    Do you know what the Canadian military's motto is? Think zebras, not mounties...
  6. ^ wow, psychic! <Read the history books....knows the ending. V Read the ending, knows the history.
  7. NG: Although i sometimes have serious issues with Casting.... G/NG: Has written a book review based on the movie version.
  8. Keith Inc.

    Answers First

    Great. The eyeballs are all mixed up. Which irises are yours? --- Outnumbered, sure, outgunned, maybe, but never outclassed.
  9. Because it takes the elves a while to assemble the little nubbin. Why do i keep falling down?
  10. Keith Inc.

    Answers First

    You don't have to use a telescope, why don't you just hold your hands cupped and squint? ------ Passing two two zero feet, all conditions normal on the dive.
  11. So you know that i'm older than Star Wars, then. G/NG: Has seen the same movie more than once a day.
  12. Keith Inc.

    Answers First

    If we made clothes out of sandwiches, where would we keep our wallets? ----- Thirteen stripes, of red and white, a field of blue, with white stars.
  13. Keith Inc.

    Answers First

    Why did you carry the donuts back to bed on THAT? ----- Because the variables won't and the constants aren't.
  14. How about just plain rolling down the steep hill with no brakes? "Fucked."
  15. I think you need 200 posts or something like that to be able to change your name-tag at will. I just sent you a name tag, though, so you can use that to write your own. Look for a 'new message,' from me. You need to 'use' the name tag, it'll take you to a screen that'll let you change your nametag. If you buy a magic marker, you can change the name tag on others. It has nothing to do with using an avatar.
  16. Keith Inc.

    Answers First

    Three dead, forty wounded, six missing in action; two fires, a five car pile-up and a loss of containment at the nuclear facility. What is Supergirl DOING? ----- For any operation which affords access, or may afford access, there shall be two persons present, each authorized in writing, with sufficient technical knowledge with respect to the task to be performed to negate any chance of error.
  17. Keith Inc.

    Answers First

    How can you stand dating an English Major that corrects your sentence structure? ------ The third man in charge of the janitorial staff of the Empire State Building.
  18. Oh! Acts of Sex, not sexual acting... Okay...Doggie Style
  19. Did everything but cinch the last knot myself. G/NG: Has been duct taped to something.
  20. Because you forgot to circumsize their little hats when you had the chance. Why is my car parked so oddly?
  21. Neither have i. The one time in drag, i went bra-less. I have never won a beauty contest.
  22. ^ is a single posting algorithm
  23. Barbara Hershey in Last Temptation of Christ
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