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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. And Monkeys really love hot tubs so you can see my dilema. that said Chapter 61 is up, one more chapter for a little housekeeping and book two is over...oh and the super dooper cliff hanger, can't forget that!
  2. replace chocolate with beer and you have just solved the meaning of life
  3. sorry for the delay, but it seems that I had retrograde amnesia and I'm actually a priest so I'll only be able to right about shagging little boys! (I now appologize to all priests and catholics ) I'll post tonight, really am sorry for the delay but I had to rebuild the circulation pump for the hot tub...trust me, hot tub trumps everything!
  4. never found the right moment...still like to write it, maybe book 3
  5. He's spending all his time at Wagner's house...hmmm, I wonder if she has him tied up in the basement
  6. Well not the little girl part but yeah ever fall asleep during sex ?
  7. You know my idea, Vlad, aliens, area 51, vampire space pirates
  8. ya Yeah, but how many people can say they walked through the fire - you can! You have nothing to prove, you've earned your right to be standing on this planet, you bled for that right after all.
  9. Retiring was the hardest thing I had to do; fact I retired what three times . You'll miss it but there's a time to take the harness off; different for all of us and its a decision you have to make for yourself, just remember to be honest with yourself. if it doesn't feel right then it probably isn't, don't let peer pressure or stupid things like some macho code decide for you, remember you are not the only one your decision affects. And you can still teach, there are people stateside looking for instructors with your skills and experience, pays not half bad and its nice being able to spend most of your nights and weekends with your family - and don't knock a nice warm soft bed either! beats the hell out of sleeping in the mud!
  10. They're fanpoodles, you assume they have brains...an erronious assumtion I'm afraid. I tried to flame you but evidently I failed...too literate evidently, my self confidence is shattered
  11. Yeah ignore it, I thought the story was good, In fact I'm reading chapter 2 damn you! Course I have to look damn near everyone up on Google but it was entertaining enough that I put up with that - I blame you for my ignorance! Can't be my fault cause I'm perfect in every way!
  12. Hmmmmm, not sure why the fan poodles attack you guys in Naruto storylines so much. But I figured I would jump on the band wagon, but bear with me since I never flamed anyone before. Ok, not really a character I follow but I thought it was well written...oh wait, I think I'm doing this wrong... Ok, hmmm alright you( insert favorite profane insult here) your story (insert absurdly critical descriptor here) you (insert long, nearly incoherent rant that has nothing to with story here) and finally (insert negative comments about your parentage her) ! So there! How was that? Oh come on bronxie. It was my first flamed after all. Too general? Sorry bout the sarcasm but I just can't help but belittle trolls, personal short coming I refuse to work on
  13. So never shot against a six year old huh sniper? Scared are yo LOL...call it literary liscence, a really huge literary liscence. But remember they shot Max's rifles and they have nanites on board enhancing everything...still a really big literary liscence - but it was just too cute a scene not to use
  14. Thats the job mate, I've buried a lot of good friends over the years but I saved a lot of lives...somewhere I hope the cosmic balance is at least even. I spent the last ten years of my life hunting monsters and you're right, there never seems to be a shortage of them but all you can do is keep taking them down just as fast as you can. that said, if you're done you're done; you do no one any good getting zapped because you stayed in the game to long, you have family and they have to figure into your decision also. Do need to talk to your family though, let them know you're safe, no right letting them worry any longer than they have to.
  15. that's a special kind of brave there
  16. I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way! Lucky rabbit!
  17. yeah, and you wouldn't belive how many ideas i get. the fun part is posting something like we're gonna get max a boyfriend, then sitting back and watching the explosions
  18. Remember when Emma was sick and Petra held her hair back, she said she did it because Max wasn't there to do it so it became her job. She se's herself more as the beta male, doing things that Max would do if he could. And Emma still sort of sees her as that broken little girl that she helped that day in the shower; she has a thing for injured kittens, just like she did for Becca. This time however, it's Max who has fallen head over heals for Petra so Emma should worry about being pushed out - could happen...Nah
  19. as for how it would change your life, one theory is that paradoxes would smooth themselves out, that if you weren't meant to be friends then something would happen to create that...sort of like the universe correcting itself. another theory states that you couldn't undo that descicion because that would constitute crossing parrallel universes which should rip a hole in the space time continuom and destroy the universe... so pick your poison, you like your M theory stringy or loopy
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKFZOIv5sS0#action=share
  21. Ok, as for Kara: At first you think she's going to play with Petra when she asks to "touch it"; but nothing happens. Then she shoots down Alice...then flirts with Max...but again nothing happens. So it looks like that even though she's been adopted, it'll be more like Evan and Jenna. Part of the family but still a closed unit of themselves. Kinda the same with Mike and Leia. So no, Kara doesn't get folded into the group. So there will be a lot of twists and surprises in the third book...I'm sure to get flamed several times... I can't wait! As for Max dropping the harem? Nope, it has become to ingrained in his personality; remember, the girls seek him out because even though they love their significant others they love him almost as much. Emma is immature, they all are. And that is where a lot of the angst comes from, them figuring out life and love as they grow up. And in case anyone missed it, the adults sort of mirror Max's future...if everything works out...which it never does of course
  22. stacey knew that there had been a door to the basement when they were younger, but not what was going on there; so far niether stacey or Kara know yet...haven't decided how to reveal that yet. still don't know if Kara's mother was a willing participant or not...i'm thinking no... hang in there buddy, they don't all suck, sometimes you win
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