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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Justin will be fine, football is a very gentle game sedate even quite often players even take a nap!
  2. (How do you punish a masochist? You Don't!)Give her an asperin?
  3. Don't judge others, you haven't lived their life. - Bigman I bow to the Master, that is the major theme of the story. Don't judge what you don't understand. And what some see as taboo, others see as normal, just because it isn't for you, don't look down on it. Besides, who has the right to say what is acceptable and what isn't - live and let live I say. Ok, off the soap box Oh, that and I really hate people who hurt children...my pet peeve and I tend to react worse than Max does.
  4. She still bruised up but a day in the pod would be enough to fix welts and any surface cuts. Plus you don't see her scars as bad because the nanites and the pod can reduce those as well. Remember Max thought about removing, or at least reducing, his scars but the girls like them. So as usual he let it be even though he's a little self conscious of them. Also you remember in BITG, Tali had scars on her back and bottom but those are almost gone now. Also remember that Max improved the pods and the nanites, that's how Nadi got preggers, experimental nanites. And Gam is right, I left so many paths to follow in this chapter, mainly because I hadn't decided myself where I wanted to go...still don't know really I'll try to get through this chapter by the weekend...there is a lot to cover. I may actually break it into two chapters. 61 is called A Daughter's Love...think you can guess where most of the chapter will be spent Still haven't thought about Mommy Dearest...is she a victim, a monster, or just broken? Also I want a day in school to dramatize Kara's transformation And there is a scene with Petra, Emma, and Max that has been eating a hole in my brain so much smut, so little time
  5. So, Rescue pointed out that I didn't mention Kara's scars, but I wanted emphasize that Stacey doesn't even see them...I know Alice comments in her head on them, and Max notices them, but Stacey doesn't or actually she does but they're a non issue, like Max's scars with the girls, he cares about the, but the girls actually like them
  6. Twisted me? Nah I.m norma... sorry, I just couldn't get that out
  7. impressive Bigman, and perfectly correct...I see I'll have to pull my brain out and twist the living hell out of it
  8. here I sit broken hearted tried to shit but only farted wasted a dime oh what the hell at least I can still enjoy the smell
  9. Some people write on bathroom walls and roll their shit into little balls Some come here to read those words of wit and then eat those little balls of shit
  10. Never...well maybe now and again...ok maybe a bit more...ah hell, sometimes he leaves two, that ass!
  11. Nope, I'm usually the one having surgery Ever walk into a closed glass door?
  12. Jane wasn't in this chapter but she is in the next, she plays a minor role here and there, kinda like Han does Everyone there was one of Early's people so it's still contained...besides who would believ some EMT who said a six year old girl was performing field surgery?
  13. The prosecuter got the nanites, Max used the med pod to mess Wu up...he's got a bit of a vindictive streak...kinda like the guy who created him So, the next chapter will be sort of two parrelel stories that I jump back and forth between, with a really mean cliff hanger at the end...
  14. I'm writing as fast as I can...please don't whip me anymore Samara :snivel snivel::
  15. The plan is to let Amy and Alice at the mercs while Kara says high to Daddy...should be a lot of fun!
  16. angeldust 2015-04-13 id # 3000226128 Actually I think that the next chapter could have used this title as Kara lets into him ala Becca & her father. Good chapter but now that you are winding 'GITG' down we need more details and less sex. So, I actually was conflicted on the title to chapter 60 as well. The chapter doesn't focus on Turner per se but on the evil he's done and the pain he's caused. I had initially thought to call it Echoes. You know that our deeds are the echoes of who we are, they are what linger as we passs through this world. But I thought that was too maudlin (I kno, I know...the whole damn story is laced with morbidity, buy this time I stood fast ) So, since the chapter covers Turners latest sins, I thought I should just name the echo...sort of like a metaphysical personel file Oh and just cause I'm a nice guy, here's a little crumb to tide you over" Girls In The Grass Chapter 61: A Daughter's Love
  17. LOL, but he's supposed to be green, Kokoa went old school with the little green men! And CL is right, it wasn't badly written, it just doesn't have any plot...but so what... But what is the wifey martian up to, playing a tune on her extraterrestrial squeeze box...this whole voyer thing normal or are they just kinky martians? Things like this keep me awake at night...mainly because I'm insane
  18. I already had a couple of sex scenes, besides Kara needs something for her dream sequence ...or not
  19. Yeah, chapter 60 is up. I think I can close this in one or two chapters...so nearing the end...
  20. Oh yeah, I'm crazy after all Ever run errands all day and get home only to find out your fly is open?
  21. Well, you don't have to use six large homocidal inmates either...maybe just one normal sized psychopath
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