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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. My best shot was just a hair under a mile, spotter called it 1600 meters, give or take, Think there was a little (ok a lot) of luck involved. Better than Ma Bell
  2. 31600 that's right, just the number this time...
  3. Welcome filth...no worries about sucking at introductions, we'll get to know you eventually
  4. No worries, I like the questions, helps to ort out characters in my mind. In fact people have found quite a few errors for me, I was recovering from surgery when I wrot BITG so there were a few confusing moments in there. Plus I really like the suggestions, I use them more than people think, had some really good ideas from readers - such as letting Jane become Amy and Alices little girl, thanx for that one by the way And I'm glad you like the story, I know it's a little rough in places but most readers said they'd rather I write more than I edit so I've missed a few things along the way. Besides I like writing so much more than edditing
  5. I could write in my own poop on the padded walls, would need help posting it though... Ewwww, that came off all scat like....replace poop with blood...I'd rather bleed to death then play with poop!
  6. Nope Marge has a mother and father in New York, and maybe I'll give her a little sister she hasn't seen in a long time hmmmmm, I believe you guys are becoming as twisted as me....must become more depraved!
  7. ohhhh, i forgot about that, yep time for a mass wedding
  8. Well I can read it, either pm it to me or email to sewerner2012@me.com
  9. Good point, May could marry Marge and Marge take Johansson and then the Carter name would go the way of the Doddo
  10. No Kara and Petra won't be an item, just used them for some angst May and Marge are not Married and not sure if they will be. Amy and Alice will be eventually; and Alice Johansson and Amy Carter, haven't decided who will take whose name yet if they even do chenge their last names
  11. its barely over half a mile...you can do it rescue...
  12. No, Petra is going to stay with Max and emme, sort of as a mirror to Rick, Suzy and Tatiana. Although she will start to spend more time with the twins and Cat will probably spend more time with Jane, Amy, and Alice But The groupings are pretty much set now.
  13. Ahhhh stacey...hmmm...HMMMMMM...
  14. Usually, but after getting trounced by Ohio, we'll take what we can get! From what I understand, people don't watch soccer, they just fight in the stands... Ok, chapter 57 GITG is up and there's a twist!
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