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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Nah...should post tomorrow night, just one more scene to go for this chapter. Keep getting interupted...house full of women, what do ya expect?
  2. <------------- so a meteor falls and Max gets a boyfriend?
  3. ok, Cat was one of the girls he rescued from the Cardinal, we don't really know who her family is...she had a sister but she died. So her inteligence is natural, but enhanced some by the nanites hey flexy you know me, i like egging the debate on should have one posted soon...hopefully
  4. owwww, you guys are way to nice to be the vices in my head...
  5. guilty and spoken like a parent ever buy a season on dvd of a show you like, then watch the whole season in one sitting?
  6. Magusfang: Oh my god, don’t give me any ideas. There will be no stabbing Not even a little one?
  7. Best Day of My Life...in my pants Well we can only hope
  8. You guys are all so teste (get it teste...) nearly finished with next chapter so hang in there
  9. <-------- please note the chain yanking award...no boy toy for Max, so stop hanging me in effigy
  10. so totally off topic who wants max to get a boyfried? mwahahaha
  11. Mmmmm, I'd explain but that would be telling
  12. Yeah, so no new characters...in fact I'll be pulling some off the first team, notice we haven't seen too much of Nadi and Becca? Evan and Jenna will be in the book but in a secondary plot line I think... Yeah, creepy toen huh LOL. No wonder the commishioner is willing to let Max run free LOL
  13. Yeah I really need to edit out some of the sex in BITG, but there are a few chapters that are allmost al sex LOL, be a much shorter book!
  14. Eh, its Texas, what did you expect
  15. Nope Jenna has flirted but never played with anyone but Evan; remember she refused once, knowing Evan would never be stong enough to see her with someone else.
  16. Ok, just cause they like to have sex doesn't mean they've forgotten what they're doing. Thy are teenagers after all, all hormones and bad ideas... Max will never leave the family, he might take a short vacation, but he'll always come back. As for sex's and Petra, don't worry, she is gonna become more feminine...I was just building to the DP scene (Trying to write out of my comfort zone.) But she's gonna still use her special purpose, just not so much in the future. Oh and we have straigh guy and a straight girl. Evan and Jenna; I can add a T-Girl if you want... What do ya think T-girl in the family?
  17. He was too young and weak to sedate, just like Jazz when they found her. as for the rest, that would be telling As for Kara's brother, well he just sort of falls out of the story. He was just a way to get Max in the house to kidnap them sooner, to add some urgency to the plot line.
  18. Hmmm, only time will tell with Kara and Stacey, but they won't have a major role in book three wont live with Max, so don't worry about the harem growing.
  19. So read the first four chapters, waiting to see if she cheats on her husband with all the tenticle monsters after her - and just because they only have one tentacle doesn't mean their are no a tentacle monster
  20. Monkey see, monkey do? yep
  21. not a week I hope, last two chapters had me stumped, but going better nowAnd I'm teaching the girls all about football so even though the girls sometimes beg of my niece spends Sunday with me during the season, cute how she yells at th tv
  22. http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296910849&view=story
  23. Nope, sundays are spent exclusively with my kids. Their day and they get to choose what we do so I usually don't get any writing done. I think the next chapter should go a little faster, I think my block has passed, the writing getting easier. so a day or two maybe three on the next chapter
  24. Oh, loved the nun story, but you knew I would Oh and I got the first review and the first rate - a two fer Woot Woot
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