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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Well there's only two sex scenes left and one is a twist so won't have to worry about Petra taking Max's place until book three As for Max's new toys, just a teaser...you don't get to see them until book three
  2. Still say he should have asked Nick and Hanna together. But I like how the story ended and the hints at their family dynamic was nice.
  3. well part of bringing her in was to give Max a little relief without adding another true male to the mix, but i can tone down the testosterone a bit i guess, there's gonna be an interesting twist on the emma/max/petra group next chapter that should be fun, i wrote in a while ago and i think the coming chapter is a good place to put it. but i'll keep petra's feminine side more in mind
  4. Yep...its up. GITG 59. Looks like two more chapters and on to book three We get to play with the Turners next chapter
  5. The next time my wife gives me crap about my lack of sheet folding skills! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fq-utbItoy4
  6. Got that right, used to swim in the river when I grew up and it never got above 60 or so...never bothered me a bit...just thinking about it now makes me shiver! Twelve foot falls, cold as (insert favorite expletive here)
  7. She was in there, she said it was super nice! Evil child!
  8. Dont think I'll be enjoying the pool, just went swimming and damn it was cold! My willie is hiding some where near my spleen and the berries have gone deep, one is tucked up next to my liver and the other is using my kidney fro a blanket...i look like a ken doll down there! I really need to get a thermometer for the pool
  9. I don't know, they just pop into my head. I'm thinking just two more chapters, gotta take down Kara's parents and then set up the big end of book cliffhanger...which I think will involve Kara in some way Do appologize for how long this one is taking but having a little trouble getting it all right for the last chapter Remember about how they all sleep with each other, Max's little inner circle; that was kinda why I brought Kara in, to show that the girls, in the end, couldn't go outside that circle. Petra got close, but in the end she couldn't do it. That's why you never see them hooking up with Mike and Leia or Evan and Jenna. But even though Max and Emma are each other's one, with Petra in the Mix, they do love the other girls and share themselves with each other as an expression of that love.
  10. Ok, I'm trying to finish GITG 59, but I'm having a little problem getting it to flow...think I might have it though...
  11. He was actually a terrorist and he's in jail. He was why Sarah and Charles came and they will take him into custody and back to Washinton D.C. once cat says its safe for her to travel. Remember the police seargant said if she didn't hurry up and get better, he might just shoot him. The guy pretending to be his father was actually a rogue CIA agent named Umstead.
  12. That hurts man...but yeah
  13. Probably tommorow late, working on opening the pool today...haven't got much writing done.
  14. perhaps....some interesting things coming out of the pods perhaps
  15. And if it was up to him, she'd get em too! But there's a house full of women and I'm sure they would have some say, meaning all the say, in it. That's how it works in the real world. I am king of my castle and I can do whatever they say I want to
  16. No, she wished she had cool eyes like her daddy...she was sniping and wanted better vision
  17. Snapping of twenty rounds in a minute using kentucky windage at 1000 yds and zapping your target is god like...took a little artistic liscence there
  18. So gonna leave my reviews here, since I basically read them in one sitting, was sick of writing. LS I liked your MC, thought Gage folded a little quick but it really wasn't dom/sub since you see his alpha side all through the story. Actually liked the story it was well written and a good amount of humor so the angst din't drag it into a teen age weepfest. But I gotta tell ya, it quickly turned into the Hana show, I found myself looking forward to her next appearance, she totally stole the story...but in a good way. FFH Ok first a loy of Gavin haters out there. If you didn't see him as a weak personality from the start, you weren't paying attention; and as for oblivious, I think its more that he can't read people. I see his character as a mild Asperger's Syndrome persona; very smart but with poor interpersonal skill and very low self esteem and confidence. Add to that he is just realizing his own sexual orientation; yeah he's gonne freak easily, question himself constantly, and be unable to defend him self eh, just my two cents oh, and i found the ikea porn LOL
  19. I don't know about a culling...
  20. Ahhh, the girls and Petra cool down, its just the new toy in the house thing. And don't worry about Mika, she is just sort of in a holding pattern, her story starts in book 3. Never thought about bringing a strickly straight girl in...could be fun. But you know that I would eventually have to turn her...or a new girl in school who sets her sights on Max...oh yeah, that would be nice and angsty And don't worry, the harem does shrink some in book three
  21. Hey you know Ed too, here's his school pic
  22. Max does screw around, hell he's got three pregnant women with him. The petra thing is just a damaged girl finding herself again, getting her self confidence back, she's bound to step over the line now and again, remember Amy did as well. And don't forget Max, he promised to talk to them about how he's feeling and he's not, so Emma can be forgiven for not knowing what he's thinking all the time. This is just the crap that couples go through, say something insensitive, get snapped at, feel bad, then appologize...having everything all roses and sunshine would be nice, but its not beleivable.
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