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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Ok, chapter 58 GITG is up...another cliffhanger
  2. Yeah, I never much cared for it...
  3. Memo from the Director: Eh. End memo.
  4. In the dictionary next to Dirty Old Man of course
  5. and a new catagory opens up, congrats Angeldust
  6. Just had to share this one
  7. Mine just patches me up afterward On a tatical note, if you find yourself in a biker bar, don't insult the big guys girl by telling him he must have a really strong stomach to sleep with that!
  8. Sorry CL, we are immune...join us...resistance is futile...
  9. It was fun to do... That boy just ain't right...
  10. That's alright CL, I'll probably give out awards after every conccusion... oops... The Grumpy Old Man Award for Bigman7307 I'll blame the oversight on my apparent skull fracture! All babies look creepy as hell
  11. Ohhhhh, my head hurts....wife says I deserve it though...what the hell she's probably right So, it's award time... The Golden Baby Award goes to ... that-one-guy A tie for the Old Fart Award: Sniper014 angeldust with an honorable mention to Guest_gamascal@gmail.com_* (since he's in guest status) And a new comer steals the thread Mommy Award CL Mustafic And of course... Guest_crazychickhull_* (We'll ignore the guest status this time...) and last but not least... A kiss for the nice girl Samara So there you have it This and $3.00 will get you a coffee...probably a small coffee And one special award... The Bandage Award Guest_majormarioc_* Cause you're gonna need them
  12. I think so, but I'm too distracted to take the shot!
  13. When smoke gets in my eyes...
  14. Don't use the damn balistic computer either...takes too damn long. I learned my craft when sniping was an art, you had to have skill, not just push a button. My shot was with an old Barret's bolt action single shot, and it was a snapshot, less than five seconds from aquiring the target to putting it down - I did have a really good spotter though, that helps a lot. he gave me spot on distance and windage. Oh these kids today...clicky here and clicky there and then the wind chages and they have to get the computer to redo everything and thirty minutes later they're ready to shoot...but the target went home and is having lunch! I don't sound like grumpy old man do I?
  15. 31606 Got my Dragons guarding my number - don't touch
  16. with the right rifle you don't have to pull the trigger even that many times
  17. Yep, there's no flesh wound with this monster
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