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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Yeah I was gonna leave it one chapter with what I am writing now, but it would have been too long. This one will probably be shorter too
  2. Yep wrote half a chapter for story A in the window for story B LOL Ever write with the TV on and realize your writing the plot to the show you're watching?
  3. Yep, kept peeking in the Procrastination Station ever lose your glasses and find them on top of your head?
  4. Oh yeah, silly me. Definately need tentacles!
  5. Forever Rancid And Non Clotting TOOT
  6. Yep, twelve foot cielings...damn spiders love those last three feet too! Ever fall asleep while you were on the phone with somebody?
  7. if he jumps maybe she'll come to visit you, she's probably not overly pleased with the doofus last chapter about half done, got delayed editing a chapter for someone Count Von Magoo? hehehe, so nice to have graduated...never have to pick up a book again as long as I wish, and any test I take usually involves a fluid container of some sort...urine or blood specifically YAY DARWIN AWARDS! See, toss a set of tights out the window and cheer him on
  8. seriously, he jumped off a roof? What did he think he had to be able to fly like a birdy to wrestle, lol no wonder he's watching court tv, he's an idiot open a window, maybe he'll try it again
  9. The list is long and varied Major...
  10. Dealing with Turner and the two intruders in this chapter. Also will explain the boy found in the Turner's bedroom and the Collins boy. A lot going into this chapter!
  11. Don't worry, won't be anywhere near that long, just being an ass and yanking everyone's chain...I'm a bit of a jerk after all Probably be a week or so...I wanna do a little research and get things sort of lined up...I actually have a bunch of scenes written and need to sort of tie them together. But one a week after that will probably be my pace during the summer...kids off so I won't have as much free time since I'm the house wife now...I can strip and reasseble an M-16 blindfolded in under two minutes...and now I can do the same thing with a vacuum cleaner, that seems wrong somehow
  12. little shorter than I usually go, but it was either one really long chapter or two slightly shorter ones so three month between books too long?
  13. Yep, and usually get less done than if I just chilled and worked at a normal pace Buck up though, it get's easier soon...until they turn two Ever forget your spouses name?
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