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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Been a rough start already, couldn't sleep last night, 5 hour time difference playing havoc with my crappy sleep habits, so had a touch of scotch to help me sleep, and by touch I mean bottle - my head hurts...
  2. Ok boys and girls, I'll be dropping off the net for a while, in a couple days, wife has the chapter and will post. She's doing the proof read. Ok, be back as soon as I can
  3. I gotta say, I like the been missed part much better
  4. be a lot less wars if the politicians had to run the government from the front...one senator had to crap in a slit trench and the war would be over!
  5. yeah, retiring was hard...kinda took the brett farve route...retired, back, retired, back...LOL Hell if it wasn't for my niece, I'd probably still be trying to get back in the field...
  6. true, and girls just love facial scars. Took a hunk of metal to the face, left a huge y shaped scar and you wouldn't believe how many girls think its hot, or want to touch it...proof that women are wierd
  7. white trash zombies is like saying pizza pie....some of you will get that and some won't...normals, please explain it to the zombies
  8. Thanks guys, I am really glad you enjoy reading the stories as much as I do writing them. I kinda see the characters as friends at this point and its nice to see others do as well. Thanks again for all the suppoert, and the help...there are more than a few comments and suggestions that have found themselves in the story so again, Thanks a lot ")
  9. I'm evil, I thought that was apparent by now In the big scheme of things you know, dinosaurs are only recently gone...
  10. not that i know of and i've seen a lot of zombie movies
  11. Nope, just writing a fun scene, then two more scenes and viola...already have 6k plus written
  12. Think of it as a really bad disney ride...
  13. bout a quarter done, but haven't been writing much...I'm planting flowers...I know, its like farming and I don't even get anything to snack on later!
  14. Hmmmmm, I wouldn't bet against it
  15. not in a minute, i ussually last a little longer LOL Ever try to secretly feed the dinner your significant other made for you to the dog, but the dog wouldn't eat it?
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