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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Some would say I am a very bad man, making an innocent child smuggle contraband into the hospital; but I say we all have our skills and it would be a waste to not explore those skill to their utmost potential
  2. Minkey smuggled my flask in...congac and vicoden...best mixed deink ever!
  3. No problem, I enjoy crushng perspective writers...err...I mean giving condtructive critscism...
  4. Again to my great sorrow, the magic button is lost to me; the nurses took my IV out and I am resigned to little white tablets - they do not compare favorably!
  5. Ah, but DG all life is but an illusion and therefore disposable...
  6. You just want a peek at my crazy But, alas and alack, it has been condemned to the ether; and I doubt, hopefully, that I would be able to recreate it
  7. If you can read it! I wrote it and was lost two sentences in...not just the plot being way messed up, the syntax was so bad it made even me cringe. I know my writing can be a little confusing and difficult to read at times but holy crap I think I invented a new language here
  8. Ok, so I know its been a while since I posted, should have something up soon. I thought I would have more free time stuck in a hospital bed...but its like grand central station in here! Should have something soon, I do have to do a little revision...well basically the middle of the chapter needs a rewrite...its a fine line when on painmeds and once crossed...well lets just say I'm not sure some of what I've written is english...and it gets worse from there
  9. Unfortunately, knowing me as she does, she is sitting vigil and putting a big ole wet blanket on my fun time. I mean when your stuck in the hospital you're supposed to flirt with the nirses right?
  10. Yep live birth is a miracle; a disgusting, bloody, messy, nightmare inducing miracle...all in all, I'd rather be shot at
  11. So reading what I wrote last night...I really gotta lay off that button! Still useable but need to tone it down a bit
  12. Beautiful? It's the most disgusting thing if ever seen!
  13. Remember who programmed them, the guy who vomits at the sight of blood
  14. Oh yeah....got a lil button here, push it and woohoo
  15. Oh yeah, will be on the good shiy for a while...hanf on boys and girls - it's gonna be a wild ride!
  16. I think I'm dead.....are you the demons sent to torture me? Oh Man I feel like shit! So evidently I survived the surgery, legs hurt so that's a good sign, can wiggle my toes and bend my kneew, Yay! Every one her is all crocadile tears and snot bubbles, seems they've been trying to wake me since noon...told my wife I heard lunch sucked and wasn't worth interrupting my dream of booze and broads! She hit me, can you believe she actually hit me? Why are my girls so mean to me?Gonna try and write a little but my head is pounding and I'm still a little fuzzy, Oh well, Oh look, its ben over half an hour since I woke up and still no pain meds! I just might start getting fukin grumpy soon! Oh and thanks for all the well wishes... Ok, On to AU giant spider spoiler cause some seriously messed up shit was rolling around my head while I was off viviting my anscestors: K, Amy was so badly shot up they were only able to save hr brain in a jar which Max then installed in a warbot that they airdropped into DC. While Amy was tearing up our nations capitol, Legion accidently released billions of nanites who were pissed that I haven't gotten my painmeds yet ( ) and they went on a rampage dissolving nine tenths of the population while Max went traveling in a warbot and found a town run by Tina Turner...
  17. Ok, relax everyone...I know the story is darker than before but it will lighten up some before it gets really dark...calm before the storm so to speak. As for dark, I did have Hans shoot the pope in the last story after all...you know me, get some really gory shit then its puppies and kittens for a while And I do appriciate those who have been there from day 1, hope I haven't scared you off completely. As for NC's getting hurt, it happens but I have resisted killing anyone, I'm kinda attatched to the characters as well Ok, now for the bad news, in about thirty minutes they are taking me to surgery, evidently that nasty backache I had was the slug lodged against my spine shifting and is now pressing against my spinal chord, musta happened when I jumped the other week...wife is super pissed I jumped out of a plane again, oh well...so chapter 3 will probably be delayed alittle, but will resume writing under high doses of painmeds and thats always fun Ok, will give you an update after I wake up...see you later
  18. They're just a bloodthirsty lot... there will more battles but not for a few chapters and then we'll get sidetracked as the subplots start rolling in...Haven't heard from Jenna and Evan yet, and there's Mike, Leia, and Mel...and anyone missing Mika yet? So much potential convelutions...
  19. Oh well, sorry but shooting Amy is part of a long range subplot so it had to be done.
  20. didn't mean to sound glib, just thought you could use a smile
  21. I'm thinking he actually wins the next round...but not quite how he figures. Well probably not the next round but soon Yep, they've run across anti armor before and you definately don't want to be in a light or even a medium armored vehicle if some yahoo sticks a missile in it...get's a little lethal inside.
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