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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Maybe....question is who survives?
  2. Yeah, BITG didn't get as many since I basically finished all but the last chapter at xxnx, had over a million hits there but they have a bigger membership. It was in the top 3 or four hit stories before it got nuked...oh well...shit happens...though I think an outsider like me outpacing the golden children was why the rule suddenly happened cause if you go back now, underage stories are getting posted everyday and standing. Happened to Daddycums too, he had more hits then I did and got nuked too. I did notice the underage and pedo stories that didn't have a lot of hits stayed...even after they were reported so there's that
  3. Ok, in the big firefight there have been serious casualties...the twins got blasted as well as Becca, Amy, and Emma It was brutal!
  4. suits never could handle a walk through hell, don't like getting guts and shit on their shiney shoes...bitter? Me? Nah...
  5. Just adding more power...argh argh argh
  6. still...get writing people!...logic and facts do not sway me, only my own heavily opinionated misconceptions interest me
  7. I don't want to be responsible for corrupting anyone so I'll make the sacrifice and do it all myself
  8. thats why I had to do as much as possible before someone stops me...I mean what will I do with all this blow and all these baby seals if someone makes me stop?
  9. shocking is good I like shocking people
  10. Didn't like the bj? She's a herm and its basically a giant clit!
  11. over half done with the chapter, in the middle of two firefights right now...who dies today?
  12. Sneaky little bastards they are...never trust a microscopic robot
  13. yeah, or just make it 28 then right a shorter epilogue... you'll be writing 60+ chapter serials in no time
  14. You better be writing young lady, now I have to put a really cruel cliffhanger in my story to ease my poor outraged mind - and its all your fault!
  15. Damn crazy, its great news but don't have a stroke LOL
  16. Slash? Mommy you write Slash...BEASTIALITY!
  17. Lot of people learning their way, should have seen some of the dreck I came up with when I started...no way I'd post that crap though!
  18. Sssssooooo close!....but remember that Nadi has experimental nanites that Legion just might not have full control over....hehehehe....we might see more of these, dare I say rogue, nanites later
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