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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. musta been bronx...we gave new york to canada right?
  2. its all CL's fault...it was all her idea! yeah so i have no spine! dont judge me!
  3. cat: humor arch: originals I have story that would fit and I know at least one other writer doeas plus there are many stories in general and misc that are tagged humor Thought we should have a story Catagory for authors who mean their work to be funny...
  4. that's just god trying to help you make a martini...shaken, not stirred I kinda rushed that part i think, was having too much fun in the SG HQ...starting to like the white haired guy
  5. Sorry to see you go angel, take care
  6. Yeah...sick of her, time to die Mwahahahaha...just kidding but it won't be all sunshine and unicorns either
  7. Seriously? That's one hell of a cross over!
  8. What spankies Gotta kitten for an icon, don't see spankies...
  9. Well there is a little icing...call it icing interuptes SITH Chapter two is up and hope you like gore This weeks cliffhanger brought to you by CLMustafic who did the same to me...
  10. Ok, chapter finished...hehehe...just doing the read through then post it, probably sometime late tonight...gotta stop to feed the girlie horde, its a good one two, lots of blood and gore mixed with lots of crazy and some more blood and gore...not much sex though, sorry
  11. and at the other site no one would have taken pity on you. mod are sssoooooo much better here, but don't tell them that - don't want them getting big heads!
  12. felt like...yes your techniques are quite similiar
  13. I got on a roll and by the time I finished the battle scene I realized I'd dropped everyone but the babies LOL Fixed if though
  14. ewwww, i added two new twists...now the cliffhanger
  15. So I was drinking just a bit...got a little caried away with the friendly casualties...might need a revision or there won't be a chapter three LOL
  16. Gotta fix it, I got a little carried away... Emma still takes one in the kisser though Mwahahahaha Gotta pare down the harem...make room for new blood What could be going through my twisted mind...don't worry you'll like it
  17. Nope, no one wearing body armor...and Max shoots Emma in the face! Not teasing either...now why did he do that?
  18. Do a much better job here, you couldn't even get a response to an email there
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