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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. yep and then just make a sandwich Ever call somebody, then forget why?
  2. Already have a thousand word written, Kara goes back to school, long scene
  3. i've been thinking Snakes In The Grass, but Liking Shadows In The Grass a lot. Well as long as AFF doesn't pull a rule outta there collective butt...I'll be here a while, I like this place. Oh, and suddenly the age limit seems to have gone the way of the Dodo on the site that shall not be named... See a lot of new stories with underage characters...ok off my soapbox
  4. Your right, I like Shadows in the Grass even better, more mysterious. And yeah, I got a really good scene with Legion...and its messy . He breaks all the rules! I had planned on doing a mirror like comparison with Rick acting like Max and Tat and May playing the parts of the twins and letting them do a little hunting. I kinda wanted to set up a parrelel between the adults and the teens...sort of a forshadow of Max's future. Already have one in place...can you guess where the parallel is?
  5. I did see a few guys wereing the DB patch, was gonna ask why but got sidetracked and sorta forgot about it, brain was going even then LOL. I just figured it was an inside thing, you know how units have there own personal little traditions but it's nice to see it was an homage to the guys who came before us, who actually gave birth to the special forces world. You're right, we do need to never forget them, its because of them we are who we are.
  6. ok, planned a them vs us sort of thing, no moles this time; but i have the book sort of set up with six seperate story lines that all converge at the end... chapter 63 more of an epilog chapter really; i still have a couple of little plot lines to resolve plus the cliffhangers...yep plural and it'll probably be short like 61... of course i have said that before...what can i say, i can't be trusted and i wont say there won't be five or six chapters still because i honestly don't know until i start writing lol I have this patch, not I have it, not that old, but I have on in my collection. So anywho, I have started on 63 and hopefully can get it out soon, then I want to bang out a chapter or two of Northstar...maybe finish that one...though I doubt it I do want to get closure in at least one of my serials, I feel like I'm neglecting children here LOL
  7. Well 62 is up, I know I said this was the last chapter, but it was getting too long and I still had subplots to kill...so one more LOL
  8. Oh damn! poor baby, but yes I have and no never that! ever wake up in the afternoon and think it was morning? Fell asleep once on a sunday afternoon and woke up like an hour later, sure I was late for work LOL
  9. Damn procrastination Station...you have let my secrets again!
  10. If you can't say anything nice about somebody...get em drunk first, it eases the pain!
  11. Five minutes ago. And I do it with multiple beverages too! Ever put something in the fridge that doesn't get refrigerated...like a can of corn?
  12. Somebody That I Used To Know in my pants... Hmmm, familiar at least
  13. I had planned on Max taking the whitehouse and threatening the president ...that is a fun scene...hehehe But, I've decided who dies...so sad and they die at the end of this chapter too...or do they...
  14. dont forget mike and leia, or jenna and evan...could do rick or suzy...tat...or who i think a lot of people are rooting for, petra... so many targets and so few targets
  15. Have 9k written...trying to decide who to sacrifice to the cliffhanger...
  16. Yeah, chapter 62... Ever sing along with a song and make up your own lyrics
  17. Almost ready to post, the orphan scenes are for book 3
  18. Before Sunday so tonight or sometime Saturday. Had a big section written then decided to go in another direction
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