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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Yeah but she's not in the house computers, so she had to find a mainframe that was available and close to empty becaus they are both in there now...but where could that be?
  2. couldn't really download into Legion because she would have to download across thousands of nanites. And remember that Nadi has experimental nanites so we don't really know what the hell they would do or if they are even networked to Legion. So Legion is just as clueless as the rest of them... But Alice does have a mainframe that she has no real control over, it functions as her unconscious mind...but would there be enough memory in it if its running part of her operating system? She could have uploaded to the school network but are the systems Max gave the school sophisticated enough? Remember Max is really cautious about letting his best tech outta his control... Just where did they go? Maybe she is dead and they are riding the broadbeam around town...she really is a ghost in the machine... Was there a spider nearby? She might be residing in the secondaty systems of one of the security droids...but again would there be enough memory "Oh, and no one is in Alice's old mainframe in the computer vault...but is that even still connected to the network? where oh where did nadi go and in what computer did Max she blow?
  3. Writing it right now in fact...just finished Max's death scene...or did I? Mwahahahaha But you guys will have to be patient, does look like he'll be stuck for a while
  4. some of you are warm some are cold some are getting ahead of the stiry...but I'm not telling eho ok
  5. Yep, they are definately up to something...sneaky bastards!
  6. Number of Authors [173591] -:- Stories Published [13386] Lets get writing people!
  7. Yep, remember what happened to last poor slobs that attacked the house, gotta be sneaky about it, find an angle...maybe an angle that Amy sets out for them...here little mouse, look at all that tastey cheese
  8. Works for me, I love sinning
  9. yep, gonna be a wild ride
  10. Never do the expected I bet no one thought we'd lose Max in the first chapter huh?
  11. I think its a glitch, I saw it when I first posted as Adult+ but if went to adult++ when I refreshed my browser. ok, here I would make some immature comment about adultness, but I'm just too damn tired
  12. So I didn't do this for the first two books, but figured since i started the third, and hopefully final, book I would do a little self promotion: The story follows a boy named Max and is basically a brainy geek finds love story. In book one he meets the love of his life, and her crazy sister, and they have adventures fighting off bad guys as they fall in love and that love grows. Book 2 continues the story and Max finds more young woman that need his help and learns that the darkness pervades into even the most unexpected places. Book three sees Max's efforts at helping those who need help has brought him the unwanted attention of a shadowy group that wants only to take everything he has. Author: Magusfang Title: Boy in the Grass Summary: Book One of the In The Grass Trilogy. Max finds love and discovers the world is not all sunshine and rainbows Feedback: I always enjoy reviews in the story but if you have a question, leave me a note here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/56684-magusfangs-corner/ Fandom: Original Pairing: N/A Warnings: NOTE: I’m adding this note so I can get the proper tags attached to this story: 3 Plus Abuse b-bod Angst Bi Fingering Hand job inc Minor2 OC Oral Preg Contro Tort Toys Violence Voy CBT Dom exhib Hum MCD MiCD Peg Rape TF other Complete Chaptered story : 63 Chapters URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107108 Author: Magusfang Title: Girls in the Grass Summary: Book Two of the In The Grass Trilogy. Max love of his strange family grows and he discovers that the darkness invades even the most unlikely of places Feedback: I always enjoy reviews in the story but if you have a question, leave me a note here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/56684-magusfangs-corner/ Fandom: Original Pairing: N/A Warnings: 3Plus, Abuse, AFFO, Anal, Bi, Fingering, HJ, Hum, Humil, Inc, M/s, Minor1, Minor2, OC, Oral, Other, Preg, Slave, Tort, Violence, other, complete Chaptered story : 63 chapters URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107111 Author: Magusfang Title: Shadows in the Grass Summary: Book Three of the In The Grass Trilogy. Max's strange family grows even larger as he welcomes his new children and learns to deal with loss;a his past exploints have garnered the attention of a shadowy organization that wants to take everything away from the young man Feedback: I always enjoy reviews in the story but if you have a question, leave me a note here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/56684-magusfangs-corner/ Fandom: Original Pairing: N/A Warnings: 3Plus, Abuse, AFFO, Anal, Bi, Fingering, HJ, Hum, Humil, Inc, M/s, Minor1, Minor2, OC, Oral, Other, Preg, Slave, Tort, Violence, other, WIP Chaptered story : 63 chapters URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107725 Hope you enjoy the stories and I'll warn you that I'm not the best typist so ther are typos and errors...
  13. Ok, chapter 1: Lost In The Darkness of Shadows in the Grass is up
  14. A good plan executed violently today is better than a perfect plan executed next week!
  15. I do need to write a northstar soon, kinda miss Anna myself
  16. oh so far out there LOL
  17. Thats book 4 if I break down and write it
  18. I was gonna call it Rotting and Decaying Flesh in the Blood Soaked Grass Next To a Moldy Disarticulated Penis but that was kinda wordy
  19. Ok, no zombie sex just yet, that's for the next book, brains in the grass Just a little sleep deprivation, jet lagged still, combined with my usual twisted mind - even frightens me a bit
  20. Hmmmm...I thought I would add some sex zombies...ok ewwwww...ok grossing myself out now
  21. yep right now I'm writing the part where he eats out her corpsey little coochie
  22. writing, almost done with chapter one, Max is about to screw a dead girl...he's losing it...
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