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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. yeah, you have to create an account and then wait to get verified, takes 3 or four days since they do everything manually. Bit of a pain but it keeps spam way down.
  2. upper right of the page, click the little envelope then compose new...pretty easy from there
  3. creepy factor huh? ok, how's this: Emma rescues Max's traumatically amputated penis and starts wearing it on a chain around her neck, using poor Max's balls as ear rings
  4. Oh, don't feel so bad then...thought I forgot my MC's birthday, kinda like forgetting your kids birthday... So took some moriphine before bed and a new story line popped into my dreams: Max decides he's gay but none of the boys will be with him so he builds a spider the screw...well it accidently clips his penis off while giving him a clawjob(?) and he goes in the pod and has a sex change...then I can do a whole new spin off story with Maxine instead of Maxwell really gotta stop taking opiates at bedtime
  5. i do need to get the "girls" involved more, i kinda use them as a convinient dumping ground; where the babies? girls have em... as for max's bday...i forgot when it is oh i like a bbq and they get attacked and the twns save the day
  6. oh no, we need our grey haired friend...
  7. I think it would be funny if Nadi tried to make love as a male, not sure how to work her new plumbing and not having the right instincts...still need to think about it a bit though and just took more drugs
  8. maybe...a funny fail type sex scene could be good...
  9. Public smoochies between Mike and max too much LOL I was actually thinking a love scene with Becca, Nadi driving Max's body, just not sure how to write a girl trapped in a man's body making love to another girl... I might just go with a bull in the china shop scene where she's in the kitchen and keeps breaking things because she isn't used to his size and strength...the whole psyche of a lesbian trapped in a man's body having sex makes my head hurt
  10. She died though... plus she just gave her pain to the Capt who shot her, now he has to live with what he did. Oh he can say it was a mercy killing but trust me, that won't help in the middle of the night when the nightmares come... Think I was in a bad mood when I rote that, best part is when she shoots the guy who hurt her
  11. Oh and while he and Becca are looking at shoes, Mike shows up and Nadi takes control and Max gives his big friend a big ole hug and kiss
  12. I was thinking a dinner scene or maybe a scene in the pool house with all the friends and family...a pool party/ bbq would be good...roll out the twins new armor soon too (still doing a little research on powered armor though) In fact I haven't written much in the last few days...getting settled back home taking a little time Oh, and I need a scene in public with Nadi in his head, that could be fun
  13. Groan...morning comes way too early in the day; I'm starting a petition to have it moved until after lunch!
  14. little darker than what i ussualy write, i'm kind of a happy ending type of guy
  15. Home: Where they have to let you in no matter how pissed they are at you.
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