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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Hmmm, I see frogmen approaching the house...this doesn'y bode well...or maybe it does
  2. Oh my god - she's in your head! Stay calm, go to the kitchen and get a mellon batter and slowly, clmly, scoop you brains out...
  3. soon grass hopper, soon...the clock slowly ticks down as quiet men take to the battlefield that is their stage, the stage that has seen the play of violence and blood performed countless times for no audience but the Gods; the fickle Gods for whose amusement men die in a sea of their own blood! Oh and someone will probably get shot or something
  4. I know, the difference between the stories was so drastic I can't believe he thought he could get away with it LOL, I knew something was up when I saw it then you PM'd me...it was definately an aaahhh moment LOL
  5. Thanks, you too. And from a vet let me say we are honored to stand the wall.
  6. Nope, Max tries the Mumbo jumbp sci-fi shuff;e, bit nothing works...I won't tell you how they resolve it but it should be s surprise
  7. Happy fourth: Oops, wrong fire cracker
  8. To be fair (to me that is) the story I beta'd was so god awful it just couldn't have been stolen It was a total rewrite every chapter.
  9. Max as a war spider hmmmm.... Or he stands with like six behind him, smiles, snaps his fingers ans all six spiders' miniguns start turning at once and the missile launchers all turn and point at the bad guy..."Meet my little friends..."
  10. That was the guy I beta'd for (what can I say, oops?) this might be the actual author...maybe...I'll shut up now
  11. He's done that before, the orphanage in book 1 and Volstok's dacha in book two, but he's an adrenaline junkie and prefers the personal touch. Could be more of that, remember they all have backup bodies in the lab,,,just in case And you might see him driving an android again...maybe...
  12. Like that, everyone is gonna be so mad when they see what happened LOL
  13. And Shadows in the grass Chapter 7: I Love You is up...yep its a mushy one
  14. Hmmm, after the blizzard, he lost a bit more so he's somewhere around 60 percent machine now. Both arms above the elbow, both legs below the knees, both eyes, lungs and heart (did that so he would have room to mount a nanite mainframe an microfusion generator in his chest. and of course the interfaces so he can link with his internal computer (the interface) that allows him to run all his prosthetics as if it were still his body parts. Oh by the way Shadows in the Grass Chapter & is up...sorry, its a mushy one...guess I'm feeling all lovey dovey lately
  15. Haven't killed them yet...I like just wounding them and chopping off body parts
  16. Thats what I thought but it could be attributed to beer and trying to look tough for Nicole and her trying to have his back. Making more of his joke than what was there because she could see how uncomfortable he was around them.
  17. but if you wish to beat your head against the wall, well we approve
  18. Got something fun planned for this one...and sad
  19. More like put the first paragraph first and the last one last, the rest go in between
  20. Had some asinine little quip here but just too tired...
  21. :shakes head sadly: someone is definately getting stabbed in the eye...sigh...
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