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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. not a silly question fhelly, I always wondered about that, but i'm really lazy and asking seemed like so much trouble...all the typing...have to use the mouse to scroll over and hit 'start new topic'...just thinking about and i had to take a nap...yawn...man i'm wiped out now... be back later...
  2. i knew that! sorry DG, just had a brain fart i guess...thanks
  3. keeps logging me out too. whenever i try to navigate through the site
  4. can't post when i go to edit a story i get this Get more out of your adult-fanfiction.org experience at our Forum! Be the first to get the scoop on AFF news! Register for our Forum and you'll be automatically subscribed to our site-wide mailing list. Take advantage of everything else a Forum can give you -- speak directly with Staff and your fellow adult-fanfiction.org Members. Some handy links are just below, although some of them won't work unless you register for the Forum first. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Use our fandom-specific Forums to talk fanfic to your heart's content. Promote your Stories! Enjoy general discussion with the adult-fanfiction.org Community. Come read our FAQ, and help us refine it, too. Seek a Beta, or offer your services as one. Get some Technical Support for the Archive or the Forum. Report Abuse or TOS-breakers on the Site the command bar to choose story isn't there
  5. I figured out why we age and die - children!
  6. Damn ugly insipid stupid dregs Poots
  7. Mmmm, I think we turn Kara on Stacy...
  8. On the screen, be a day or two, figured out amy's plan too...gonna be fun!
  9. You and me both...but never fear, I'll come up with something appropriately conveluted.
  10. So Chapter 54 is up, the openning shot has been fired! There was, unfortunately, one casualty, amblitory though
  11. How about Crash Bandicoot? Just kidding, I really don't want to read about a clumsy whatever he is boinking a sheep
  12. There once was a man named McCrass Who had two balls made of brass when he banged them together they played stormy weather and lightning ran up his ass!
  13. Yeah, he actually will make another short appearance in this book, but he and his wife appear more, or will, in book three in fact I have a short story line for walter, Letti, and Kelly...its nothing earth shattering and it just rattling around in my head, but it should be fun, a little light hearted romp I'm thinking.
  14. So..."None of your damn business!" is a bad summary?
  15. No Kara will probably not be in book 3, and Evan's mother will be a side plot. Will have a few others from people's pasts show up and cause trouble too...but that's still off in the future
  16. Hmmm, alice will definately plat a part. Just finished the dodgeball scene and the first shot in the chick war has been fired!
  17. that's correct. if you have any other questions, I have my own thread at http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/56684-magusfangs-corner/ This is actually CL Mustafic thread or you can PM me, I try and keep up with it all
  18. WOW guys...i never knew writers were so self conscious! Now that I made a terrible joke...take a deep breath and partake of the relaxant of your choice. Don't take it to heart, editors are like you third grade grade english teacher, it may seem like they hate you, hate your story, and utterly despise your characters and they may, but remember its your world and you decide what gets changed. The editor can only make suggestions after all. So Kokoa, if you want a universe populated by people who speak like 5 y/o hulks, whose to say that's wrong?
  19. the school is still coming, in fact Max will be meeting the school board soon.
  20. wrinkles with an R...winkies in the grass just makes the winkie itchy! Although muff diving in the grass has a certain ring to it Or better yet Mowin The Lawn, I'll open with the girls shaving Max's privates!
  21. So a young couple were parked at the local make out spot when the young lady looked out the passenger side window and saw the car bext to them rocking back and forth, the widows covered in steam. She looked at her date and asked, "What are they doing over there?" "Ah...um, they're making sandwiches." "Oh." She replied as she looked past him and saw the car on his side was rocking back and forth, the windows just as steamed up, "And over there?" "Um, sandwiches too." "That looks like fun, can we make sandwiches?" "Ah sure." The young couple became so engrossed in their sandwich making that they missed the girl's curfew and as they arrived at her house, her father met them with a loaded shotgun in his arms. The young woman jumped out and ran to her father, "Please Daddy, don't shoot him; we were just making sandwiches!" "Mmm hmmm, and I suppose that's mayonnaise running down your leg!"
  22. Yeah the last book would be dark...he's out in space somewhere, every one but him and his his mother are dead, and he runs into a little redheaded blue-eyed alien...You know, who has a blonde sister. if he stays in his own body, I could call it wrinkles in the grass!
  23. I don't use male, but I have been known to use female to draw attention to that species when a character does something decidedly FEMALE like bring up something that happen ten years ago in an arguement
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