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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. the flyers did, but even after a self-destruct there's something left. as for the new bad guys, if they don't but the one mile or so limit of Jeeve's sensors, well he has no way to know they are there. as for what can be gleaned from the internet or from space, well not much you can do about that.
  2. natural talent? or it could be my heart is black as midnight
  3. Regular or whole grain...have to think healthy now a days... ok, lets get rid of the old noodle...
  4. Oh she shoots and she enjoys it, she just thinks 5 is a little young; told her its like potty training - the sooner the better! Ok, a rare rainy day and I finished 52 GITG, posted.
  5. LOL, I try and keep that to a minimum, her mother wasn't happy I bought her the .22 rifle...she's gonna freak when she see's the little ruger I got her
  6. 50 lashes with a wet noodle! just delete the offending chapter, you can do that from your control panel, find the genre hit edit and then just use the drop down menus still gettin the noodle though
  7. Yep I'm a Charlie Brown...can't say no. Won't be long before she's offering to hold a football for me to kick...
  8. thanx, one of my favorite sci fi authors
  9. monkeys take their uncles shopping...i swear its genetic, she goes "oh pretty" and my hand automatically goes for my wallet!
  10. Ahhhh, see learn something new every day!
  11. Not me so close your mouths. InnocentNigh is looking for a Beta but had to run, so being the charlie brown... Any one interested she asks that you PM her, oh and read her profile, she has details there. there my good deed done for the day, back to trying to take over the world
  12. Ok I'm ready for the onslaught, but I have to ask; just what is Netorare?
  13. try here : http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/forum/83-become-a-beta/
  14. I Beta I speek good I do have a few qwirks thou punctuashion is opshional and I like fonetic spelings of al werds
  15. Mmmm, not sure I'll go that far, but I didn't realize how many plot lines I left hanging. Some I'll take into the next book, but some I need to close. May take a few chapters...think of it as a really long epilogue But not right now, I really need a nap!
  16. Terry PratchettBorn: April 28, 1948 in Beaconsfield Buckinghamshire, England, The United Kingdom Died March 12, 2015 LONDON — Author Terry Pratchett has died at the age of 66. By Tim Chester, Mashable.com The writer's Twitter account first hinted at the news with a tweet in all caps, which is how the author had come to characterise Death - one of his most memorable characters in his books. Sadly a second tweet confirmed the news Terry Pratchett ✔ @terryandrob Follow AT LAST, SIR TERRY, WE MUST WALK TOGETHER. 11:06 AM - 12 Mar 2015 21,775 RETWEETS 10,901 FAVORITES Reply Retweet Favorite Terry Pratchett ✔ @terryandrob Follow Terry took Death’s arm and followed him through the doors and on to the black desert under the endless night. 11:07 AM - 12 Mar 2015 26,773 RETWEETS 12,811 FAVORITES Reply Retweet Favorite Another linked to a formal statement about his death that announced: "It is with immeasurable sadness that we announce that author Sir Terry Pratchett has died at the age of 66." A fourth simply said "The End.” Terry Pratchett ✔ @terryandrob Follow The End. 11:07 AM - 12 Mar 2015 33,966 RETWEETS 16,036 FAVORITES Reply Retweet Favorite I'm not really good at fun-to-know, human interest stuff. We're not 'celebrities', whose life itself is a performance. Good or bad or ugly, we are our words. They're what people meet. Terry Pratchett And my favorite: Writing is the most fun you can have by yourself. Terry Pratchett He will be missed.
  17. Had a of bunnies for Mia and it took the chapter over. Off on another tangent...but I did kinda need to close that subplot, I did leave the poor dog in a pod since Stella got shot!
  18. I gave her a cup of half coffe half milk and she was a wild child for hours and crashed around an hour ago, napping now
  19. fan poodles are annoying insane not the good mad scientisty insane
  20. ahhhhh, i understand, i am now terrified but i understand...they are insane!
  21. I just don't get it; why are they so possesive of other peoples work. Now if that Rowlings (I don't kno her name, sorry...the potter chick) asks you to not do a pairing, well ok then...but what's with the other butt licking trolls (nope, fanpoodle still better) Any head shrinkers in the house?
  22. Great...so my idea, that means you guys handle logistics and execution and I'll take all the credit! see I am management materiel!
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