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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Hmmmm, where do we want you? Now I could go the low route and say something profane... Or take the high road and just keep my comments to myself....
  2. I don't use specifics but like you I do give rough measurements on somethings and not on others, like everything you need a happy medium. I described one character as: She was small, several inches below his nearly five and a half feet, thin and delicate looking and he knew she couldn't be more than a hundred pounds, if that... It gives the reader a rough outline and lets them fill in the details so that the character will feel more real to them since they had a hand in that character's creation. Going to the tape is ussually too much" She was 5 foot 1 inch, wieghed 104 pounds, C cup breasts...blah...blah...blah Makes it sound like an APB. I do laugh when writers tell us exactly how long their male character's penises are, do guys actually measure their junk? Cause in nearly fifty years I have yet to do that...seems sort of wierd to me. So in conclusion There's nothing wrong with using numbers to describe a character, just don't go overboard...but that's just my opinion. I don't know what that means, but after reading it I wanna take a shower!
  3. yeah, few days, babysitting duty, then the girls are gonna meet me for a long weekend
  4. they don't have a lot of input per se, but the characters are pretty heavily based on my girls - to a point obviously, the five year old doesn't wear kevlar LOL. But they usually dont read the stores until after they're posted, but I do ask for advice from time to time. as for Joanne, Legion could fix her but wont because that would change who she is, plus she would never give him permission Haven't decided what to do with her nanites yet...we're not quite done with her...there woll be a lot of ghosts bubbling up from the past in the next book...hehehe As for my niece, she's more like the twind than Cat, even got her one of those 22 caliber crickets, it a miniature rifle for young kids (sister-in-law nearly had a stroke) and she loves going to the ranhe like a big girl, pretty good shot too
  5. Chapter 20 of Northstar is up
  6. Oh there's a cure for stupid, unfortunately it's against the law sigh
  7. Well you are FORCING her to read your story after all, shoving the words into her eyes one evil letter at a time...ah, sorry, I think I might have taken my meds too early
  8. Yeah, i do tend to neglect this story
  9. Thanx. Writing chapter 20 in Northstar, I think it's gonna be a long on...almost double my usual chapter length
  10. Better yet: needs sound though
  11. Becaue everyone is wrong but me! So I must beat you about the head and neck until you agree with everything I say! (Ok, that was sarcasm in case anyone missed it )
  12. Yeah, chapter 48 is up
  13. Of course. Marge is sort of like an older version of Amy, she'll be with the older women but only with Max. In fact I had a scene with Max and Marge after he gets back. a whole angst thing that Marge fixes, sometime a boy just needs his mother...or his wife's mother as it were
  14. The barney Song, there are draw backs to having a five year old in the house - its stuck in my head! Help!
  15. GITG 47 is up, yeah its kinda a filler but was fun to write
  16. Not qute
  17. Next chapter is almost written, I think you'll be a little surprised then go "awww man!"
  18. Yep adicted to both cliffhangers and women, so I guess I'm doubley screwed (With any luck )
  19. Crack me up! School certainly has changed since my day.
  20. GITG Chapter 46 is up, Max is taking fire again...poor guy!
  21. Remember Max had the spiders steam a runway, plus he had the self aware ones fly them out, they are like Alice so they can react faster and do things better than any human pilot could I just skipped the whole boring flight from the ranch to the sub to get things moving along. There was the potential for a funny scene with Petra's fear of flying but I think the story was getting a bit bogged down In fact the next several chapters will mainly be prep for the next book then the finale in this book Getting close to the end...
  22. remember the planes from when Max and Alice flew in before xmas, still parked at the ranch, well he bought them around the time the sheriff was giving him trouble
  23. Chapter 45 GITG is up
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