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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. it may sound strange but when writing fiction you want a little flab, its the way we talk. Mr Shane is correct if all you are concerned with is either technical or informative writing, less is more in these types. But flab in recreational writing is good, it softens the story and makes it more conversational which actually holds peoples attention; don't believe me? Use this list on your favorite book, just one page, then on something like a math textbook. See which one has more flab and then ask yourself which one you'd want to read on a rainy saturday. I know, some of us would rather read the math book - but we're weird! Just remember that no rule works everywhere - generalizations are bad!
  2. Bummer dude, I really hated writing on my phone. Tablets not so bad, but the phone sux.
  3. Pell already identified "David"
  4. So I'm writing the next chapter and deciding if they get Gerald and Joanne back together or if the just flush the bitch and adopt him...
  5. Hmmm, that would be telling
  6. Oh, it's not quite done twisting yet...
  7. Oh and wait till Cynthia meets Alice: "Oh, so who are you?" Cynthia asked as she stared into a face she should have only seen in a mirror. "I'm you silly" Alice replied with a small laugh and an evil grin that somehow made the litle brunette nervous.
  8. wow, posted first draft...really rough...but fixed now, sorry bout that
  9. Ok, I do appologize for the wait but shit just seemed to pile up fast in the real world...but all dealt with and chapter 39 GITG posted
  10. so am back, been a wild holidays but I am back at the keyboard and almost finished with 39
  11. Sorry for the delay, had some real world shit crop up. Taken care of and I should have next chapter up soon
  12. I have been spending all my free time with the monkey, I am gonna miss her so much when she goes home Should have next chapter done before New Years though, sorry but family first, specially the lift cute ones
  13. Bah humbug, it's not a season thing, it's a way of life
  14. it is getting crowded, but i like all the characters so don't know who to get rid of; my plan is to dump many of them at the school that they plan to open and that'll keep them out of the main story but still keep them available if i want them for a specific scene. I do plan to eventually get back to northstar but want to finish GITG story line, well this book any way, before i move on, have a good one, sorry to see you go.
  15. I appologize if i upset anyone, my bad and i'll be more careful in the future
  16. Gotta love the south Oh and in case you're wondering, this is what a scream looks like!
  17. Holy Crap, Look at the balls on this chick!
  18. Just enjoy... That's right kid, that's where you came from and you'll spend the rest of you life trying to get back in one
  19. there are no words, but i think the man's t-shirt is apropos Wow...just wow, that's a serious ass kicking, look where her butt cheeks are!
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