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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Thanks, oh and GITG 44 is up...
  2. not a lot of cliff hanging in my youth, but I once built a concotion from pool chemicls that left a four foot wide crater in the yard and broke all the windows on that side of the house! My parents were not ammussed
  3. well i'm thinking Max needs a new sub, those canadians till got the ones with the sub wide shower system? nothing like a little scrubby in the conning tower those canadians, always so pratical
  4. you want him to start wearing an orange hoodie, cause i can so do that
  5. He left the desalinated in his other pants...hate when that happens. But remember the sub was built by his father ten years ago and only as a prototype so some things might not be included...that's my story and I'm sticking to it
  6. That could be accomplished but remember they were short on fresh water as well
  7. 1 & 2: Eh, it's just a little one, hardly counts at all! 3: Because they are as complex as the larger spiders and like them have become self aware so he wont ask them to suicide themselves. He did build the flyers, small insect like robots that do that, but they are small and have to swarm so their impact is limited. 4: The sub is actually a submersable landing ship, like a RORO only submersable, it also can move limited distances over land, using large catipeller tracks like the smaller LUTeS does (LUTeS = Landing underwater transport system, Max changed the name to LOTuS because it sounded cooler...well I changed it foe that reason because he really doesn't exist. And it just sort of eveolved frome LOTuS to LOTUS - Damn spell check ) something like this: This is the Russian design 778, it was never built but its what gave me the idea for the LOTUS Now I knew everyone was going to ask why he didn't just float his bomb to the surface, well two reasons: One, it had be placed in the right spot and two, remember he was feeling the effects of the high CO2 count and not really thinking straight "He grabbed a small detonator and inserted it into the plastic explosive, setting it for sixty seconds; in his hazy mind that seemed like plenty of time. " besides I had to get him out of the sub to get the cliffhanger to work oh and Sniper, the sub didn't sink he did when he stepped out the airlock, the fuel cell was heavy So now the only question is, does he make it or do I invent Max flavored fish food! Oh, I know, he just about makes it and a shark gets him...are there sharks under the ice?
  8. Was a good one huh, even took the download option out...doesn't look good...
  9. Yeah, that didn't happen....oops I got in trouble the other day, monkey was trying to cut a porkchop on her own, she's a big girl now after all, and off the plate it goes, straight to the floor and instantly scooped up by the dog. Her reaction, she sighs dramatically and goes "Well, shit!" Course everyone looks straight at me!
  10. Yeah been stuck on the couch for last few days, the little one almost killed me. Amazing how hard a 35 pound girl can hit you when she throws herself off the couch!
  11. Ok then, GITG chapter 43 is up Might have to slow down a bit, spending a lot of time on keyboard and almost no time asleep, starting to catch up to me...
  12. Thanks, its nice to know someone likes the story, I know it's a biy rough with typos sometimes but everyone keeps telling me they would rather have rapid posts then perfect pollish...so... :shrug:
  13. Nah, too predictable...besides I made need someone to shoot in book three
  14. Yeah, I'm fleshing them out, They'll be major characters in the next book, although they still have a fun scene or two or six...left in this story.
  15. I'm a raider fan so I would have to cheer for one of our two arch enemies! Still gonna watch it though...cherr for the refs!
  16. Mmm, been a few days, I was getting a bit loopy! But after deleting the world's longest word, and that without a vowel, I punched up the story a bit and viola, Chapter 42 GITG is posted
  17. Um...I seem to have fallen aslep writing...I woke up with like 68 pages of kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk... So there will be a slight delay in chapter 42...:SIGH:
  18. You tell em Big, so spoiler alert: sub sinks and everyone dies...on to the next stoty! LOL, I should complete 42 sometime this evening if the monkey goes to bed on time
  19. Mmmm, I'm so stuck on GITG so you may get another northstar...maybe I need a break...six or seven months should do it! Don't worry, just being an ass, 42 is almost done, kinda stuck for an ending here...hmm maybe a little visit to our friendly feds...or...oh yeah...this is evil! Gotta go, time to write!
  20. Got stuck on GITG so I wroye chptr 19 of Northstar and posted it, hopefully I get back on track for GITG soon
  21. I know football is over, but it'll be back in 227 days 2 hours and 30 minutes...
  22. Because it means something to you, probably why I've deleted chapter 42 of GITG three times and then went for a beer!
  23. That's called being lazy; I like writing but hate research...I want my cake but don't want to have to bake it! That's why I like science fiction like GITG, I need something that really doesn't exist, Max go make me one! Kinda like the Hiesenberg Compensator in Star Trek...god that was a stroke of genius!
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