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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Six months to Christmas! 

    (that’s all folks.)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      I know :lol:  It’s a sort of family joke, baby sister’s birthday is on December 22nd. When she was a kid she refused to be excited for Christmas until after her birthday despite all the stores filling up with Christmas stuffs. Needless to say, she used to get a lot of Christmas stuff for her birthday :lol:

    3. BronxWench


      Thank all the gods we don’t have to deal with Yule decorations in stores, although it might be nice not to see Christmas decorations until after Yule… :lol:  

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Those with Christmas birthdays—yeah, their birthday celebrations tend to get merged in.  (A trick I heard years ago is to celebrate the ½ birthdays instead, still give the kid a special distinct day.)

  2. Aw. Yeah, all of my content’s under pen-names, and I’d prefer to keep the disassociation (at least at this time). I generally keep friends & family in the dark about my writing habits (aside from a couple of close confidants).
  3. Part of me wants to say “triple dog dare you”… but I’d rather not that association be public either.
  4. I’m certainly not posting my writings (or even mentioning of it) on facebook! Though, not dis’ing on those that do either. It’s obviously a choice, not one I choose. From a marketing perspective, I’d say a snippet posting could be “clickbait” to lure people to your website/newsletter.
  5. More practically, if you’re looking to expand your readership, giving snippets (or even chapters) out on social media would be a way to “market” your works, attract readers (or dissuade them depending on quality). If it’s on your real name account, well, perhaps your mother/father would read it because it’s something you wrote, or alienate all your friends away.
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