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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Or, maybe not use the character’s names in the titles? “Lesson One” “Lesson Two” might work.
  2. With the writing noggin exhausted for the evening… August words written is 92.1k.  Met both my usual goal and the first stretch goal (second stretch goal... well, not quite).

  3. Using the posted word count, it’s averaging 6.7k/chapter for the explicit/adult version, or 5.6k/chapter for the cleaner version (which is also a paltry 450k/80 chapters). Technically, its a rewrite ATM, because when I went to “restart” with a read through, it became the rewrite I’ve got going on; but filling in detail and it’s like 7x-8x the word count previously. Way more detailed, covering things that used to be waved off with a single sentence “Harry and Ron took their girls out to restaurants, but separate restaurants” has become fully involved scenes. I’ve also added in a new line of original characters (first years) that really round out what’s happening at Hogwarts during some key points; also restoring some of what was lost in a previous edit/prune. Overall, quite pleased with the outcome. To some degree chapter length is preference. Shorter chapters move at a faster pace, longer chapters can go deeper. My “disasterous” edit of the potter fanfic (about 15 years ago), decided it’d be GREAT to merge chapters together to make super-long chapters (some in the 70-100k range), which made individual scenes almost nothing, drowned them into a wall of text. That’s why this rewrite is undoing that change, thus I’ve got around 180 chapters where I used to have THREE.
  4. Yep, here’s a status update @Deadman, works in Firefox v115.0.2.

    1. Deadman


      Good to know. Apparently you have to restart your browser after installing it. So I will have to wait to do it until later.

  5. I’m running Firefox on Linux… thought it was simply javascript that was needed, and I can most definitely post status updates. (I did have to whitelist AFF in noscript.)
  6. 1.3M “short” story Posted Chapter 196 this morning, working on 203 which I hope to have finished shortly. (It’s posted on AO3, not here.)
  7. We talk...and what am I’m in the middle of? Built up a huge lead on my potter fanfic (like eight chapters worth), so I’ve started posting them daily until I cut it down. (August’s simply been very productive with the writing.)
  8. Like Bronx, I basically post as I go, or at least that’s the goal. I’ll wait a short while, preferably a week and a chapter, before I proofread. If I can keep it to a schedule, such as consistently post on Saturday or something, that gives it predictability.
  9. Depends on how fast you write and want to post. If you’re taking a super long vacation but can’t write, then that might be a good time to post. For me, this past month the wind has really gotten into my writing sails for my potter fanfic, so it’s chapters per week right now.
  10. Well, If you’re looking to maximize exposure on the “fresh-in” lists to attract readers, definitely spread out the chapter postings, no faster than one every couple of days. To me, I generally post what I’m working on, so in your case, maybe post the finished stories when you’ve got a “dry spell” in your actual writing? Ideas since I tend not to sit that long (though I totally understand the AFF woas late last year)
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