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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. At a certain point, it’s speculation. Still, a bunch of likes and a comment… good to have those!
  2. According to AI (Google’s), the longest somebody’s stayed in a casino is 51 hours 33 minutes.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wilde_Guess


      Your reasoning makes perfect sense.  Unless you loathe gambling, if you stop in a casino and you start gambling, it’s really easy to lose track of time, though the 51 hours you cite is rather extreme.  Then again, most if not all records are an extreme of one form or another, for good or ill.

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      While I ended up with something else (way better), yeah, always fun what you do come across.  Casinos are designed to help you lose track of the time, to keep playing.  First time to Vegas, I intended to gamble, but was actually put off by all the glitz, so I didn’t.  Opted for a show instead & the star trek experience.

    4. InvidiaRed


      All things considered I think you made the better choice. Last time I went in if it wasn’t for my phone alarm I set before hand I’d been there for more than a couple hours.

  3. Maybe they were on a spring break or something? Had time to read to where they stopped, had to go back to school/work? Or yes, maybe they decided to move on w/o leaving a constructive critique, hard to tell TBH. (Though there’s always that grim third option, got hit by a bus or something.)
  4. When I got into potter fanfic (between books 4 & 5), one issue that was cropping up was the “One-Big-Happy-Weasley-Family” syndrome. A family of nine fighting against a supposedly fearsome and formidable army of death eaters? There should be casualties, and more than one IMO. I’ll simply say my first potter fanfic did not suffer from that syndrome!
  5. So… show the “I do” but hide the drunk in-laws making a scene. Got it
  6. More seriously… on that rare occasion I do finish (more often with Halloween/Holiday one shots, I do give them an ending. (Though I did have a Halloween tale that turned into a two-parter). Halloween stories are more often tragic, holiday stories more often happy/festive, but that’s not always a rule, I’ve had the reverse too. Guess overall, it’s a balanced, satisfying ending I go with; a drop of tragedy, a drop of happiness; exact ratio depends on the particular story.
  7. Aw… the mighty super hero, with a cape and wand, the Fairy Plot Bunny, will summon in a new series, and the current tale is merely a prologue to!
  8. Jefferey, Episode #32 (Hunt) has been posted, enjoy!
  9. Came up short for May writing goals, only 49.8k ☹️

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