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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Jefferey, Episode #29 (Fallout) has been posted. Enjoy.
  2. Definitely no underpants either. He’d accuse you of attempted castration if you made him wear a pair of those.
  3. Search engine? Nah, go ask your local librarian, help keep those places interesting! </sarcasm> As to Jeff… his tan has no lines
  4. Would an average person even make the distinction between the pelvis vs pussy or the stomach? Have to admit I typically don’t even bother making it myself as I’m writing. Maybe simply go with their “lap”?
  5. Typically my longer stories will insert “THE END” at the end of my story, usually a tip-off to the readers
  6. Jefferey, Episode #28 (Market) has been posted. (Yes, seems like I’ve neglected promoting for a while, episodes 21-27 are also up.)
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