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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Well, If you’re looking to maximize exposure on the “fresh-in” lists to attract readers, definitely spread out the chapter postings, no faster than one every couple of days. To me, I generally post what I’m working on, so in your case, maybe post the finished stories when you’ve got a “dry spell” in your actual writing? Ideas since I tend not to sit that long (though I totally understand the AFF woas late last year)
  2. Eureka, figured out how to make it to 100kwords for the month… give August some extra days!

  3. *whistles as I check mine* Got three WIPs and two needing rewrites in the AFF archives now. I tend to write on the story I’m most passionate about in the moment, which right now, is my potter fanfic (which is on AO3/FFN instead).
  4. Need more words… only at 73k so far this month.

  5. Three million? Wow. Makes my 1.3M potter fanfic seem “short”
  6. 42560, which is way less than the 59.7k I’ve written so far this month.
  7. Hit 50k for the month today, so sliding the goal posts… try for 75k instead?

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