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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Another Sunday of not sharing the clean laundry, missing the little guy.

  2. 42494 and it’s all the little things one misses… like laundry unslept in.
  3. 42488 and first morning without a cat in the house in so many years
  4. Unfortunately, the cat’s never going to be old enough for a beer.  He’s in end stage kidney failure, and I get to call up the vet later today 😢

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Final goodbye is always the bit that sucks.  I know, he couldn’t move without it hurting, and it was only going to get worse; nothing short of torture would delay the inevitable.  No, it was time to let go, let him join his brothers & sister(s) across the rainbow bridge.

      Of the original six in the litter, I finalized on the three brothers after two sisters were adopted out and a third sister was killed in the road at a very young age.  I’ve not kept track of those two sisters, so they might still be alive, but also possible they have the kidney disease too.

    3. kagome26isawsome


      so sorry for your loss Des. Hes in a better place now! *hugs*

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      It’s the little things that one starts to really miss.  Going into the bedroom, still expecting him to be on the bed or in the laundry.  Or, wanting to go to the back door to see if he’s on the deck waiting to be let inside (I never installed a cat door).  Or, even him knocking my chair’s lever so it’s locked back into it upright position.

  5. Might also depend on how specific you make the details. With the way I describe, even if you came across the inspirational photographs I use, in the wild, doubt you’d recognize them. If you’re getting too close, find another person’s videos—plenty of “squat” type of videos out there from others, or whatever exercise machine you’re wanting. I mean, worst case, if you have access to a gym is to do the exercise yourself with a selfie-camera… though if I tried that, think we’d lose an author here instead.
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