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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Funny to be at that point where I now consider 3k in a day to be “slow”.

  2. Who! Hoo!  A 10k day, that’s always nice.  Brings my total to just over 50k so far this month – now time to slide my goal to...say 100k?

  3. I got into fanfiction (& writing) specifically due to the long hiatus between the potter releases… there was a three year gap between GoF & Ootp & subsequent books. So mine’s basically a “continue the story and speculate” type of story. Now that OotP & others have released, I do have more of canon to leverage (characters, places, etc), so I do that, however, plot wise, it’s still post GoF story, not Ootp or later. (And my story’s likely reaching the 1.4M mark tomorrow…. on my drive)
  4. Technically, my potter fanfic is now AU due to exactly that (it’s post GOF, but still good IMO, so I keep chugging away at it)
  5. Don’t feel like hunting my herd, they gave me 3kwords this morning (before work).
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