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Everything posted by pippychick

  1. *perks up* Ohh.... would we? *eyes Sauron's cage* Oh-oh... I really shouldn't have done that... I am now imagining a wacky living game of chess involving Sauron's orcs and a blind and helpless son of Feanor. Oh, he'd follow instructions, all right. *gulps*
  2. Thank you, Bronx! As I think further and further ahead to the end of this story, the characters are really trying to make me leave them all in some incestuous, quivering heap of limbs with Elrond still weakly protesting somewhere in the middle of it all. I still have it strongly in mind not to, but I may end up writing many more of these missing scenes in order to achieve it. Ha! If Elrond even vaguely suspected this was on the cards he'd be on his knees like a sacrifice, promising Thranduil anything he wants! If only Thranduil knew... *laughs* So glad you liked it. I feel quite satisfied to have written it. They are so beautiful together, and I'm happy I managed to take them down adequately.
  3. So, I appear to have given in and written a rather long bit of Thrandolas. If you read, I hope you enjoy!
  4. Well now... TAFKAB has just shown me lots of inspiring pictures... it's happening. How can I not?
  5. Thank you very much! Glad you thought it was hot! Oh, I think I can promise you more scenes like this, especially in this 'Missing Scenes' bit. I just can't help writing them, even though they don't really belong in the main story. I blame the characters... they are all thinking about it, all the time. Elrond is worried about it, but he's still thinking it all the same.
  6. Oh, I understand about the cigarette! I was just teasing, and thought it was a nice touch, actually. I've done shiftwork; it was very fitting. Also, I can read pretty much anything. Unless you add a minor1 tag, which isn't likely, I'll be with you to the end on this. *nods* Go ahead and scare me! I look forward to it.
  7. Ah, my writing list is as long as my reading list. How did that happen? I will try for it next. I've just got to get this little Legolas/Gimli/Galadriel idea out of my head and into libreoffice.
  8. Poor Elrond.... Yes, especially when you consider he's probably waking up every morning next to Celebrian as well
  9. Thank you, Bronx! Ha... I had great fun writing this. As I get closer to the end, they really want to be together. All the lot of them. This kind of idea is waking Elrond up at night, lol Glad you enjoyed it!
  10. *reads through Elrond warranty holding a spanner... looks up suddenly* Oh, there you are! A new little bit, featuring The Mirkwood Three, and one Elrond... now go! Read! I hope you enjoy! *picks up phone* "Hello. Yes? A little trouble with the Elrond model. Yes, yes. I have tried turning it off and turning it on again..."
  11. Thank you so much, CL! Legolas is very naughty indeed. At this point, he's quite experienced. And, somewhere I have him using that considerable experience and playfulness on one suddenly very overwhelmed dwarf... I thought another spanking scene in this story was appropriate, given that it was one of Elrond's 'lessons'... now we see who taught it to him. Glad it was good for you! Hope you continue to enjoy it.
  12. Thank you, Bronx – your reviews encourage me no end! I think Thranduil will always be Elrond's Master... but I am hoping to convince you over time that the same applies the other way around too. But having said that... even I note when writing, he is so pretty when he gives in. It's because he really doesn't, anywhere else. He's a strong character, just not so dramatic about it as, say, Thranduil.
  13. Chapter 37: Elrond is in how much trouble? Find out here...
  14. Goodbye, IDS... Go off and be obscure. I bloody well outlived your time as Work and Pensions Secretary! Yes, I did! Lots of us didn't. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pippychick


      He was. But I can't help thinking now: "Out of the frying pan..." *sighs*

    3. BronxWench


      Sadly, that's often the case. Look at the mess we call politics. I say we dump them all in the ocean and start over.

    4. pippychick


      The ocean is probably where they came from... good plan! :)

  15. Damn... now I have visions of Legolas inadvertently reminding Gimli of certain things in the vision, then realising, and apologising... oh, sweet Legolas!
  16. Thank you, Bronxie! I admit I was a little worried about the amount of dialogue in this chapter, but I think there were things they needed to say to each other, so I'm glad that comes across so well. Gimli has another secret, and I'm not sure when he's going to confide it, but I think they'll get to have a bit more fun first. lol @ Legolas. I am awful, but he does trust Elrond so much at this point... he was certain to ask. Thank you again, Bronx! lol, I am sure you are right about Legolas. He's pretty good at it here... will Gimli will soon be in trouble? Who knows! Suddenly I'm imagining him all tied up! Oh, Elrond is still learning, definitely. Somewhere far off, many years in the future, Thranduil is shaping him into the perfect Master... to his own specification, of course
  17. Oh, I still owe you some more reviews for this, especially for chapter 17... that will be a long one. And yet, you know I now love the real Legolas and Gimli in this story even more than the wraith's version. How did you do that to me? How did you make me love all your UST? I don't know, but I'm glad you did. This story is just delicious... all of it!
  18. Chapter Five: Legolas does an alarming impression of Bambi on the ice.
  19. Another little bit, this time written for TAFKAB. It's an extra lesson in restraint for Legolas. Have fun!
  20. Thank you, CL – I'm so glad you've enjoyed the story so far! Oh, it's very true there are just not enough Elrond's to go around. I should perhaps explain that both Oropher and Nimbrethil will be reincarnated and reunited with everyone once they (Elrond & Co) cross over the sea. It's a journey they make once, and there is no coming back. Now there really aren't enough Elrond's to go around! Oh, dear. But Celeborn is on his way. That might make things clearer.. or maybe not. He's such a frightful tease. I hope you enjoy the rest of it! Oh... and did I introduce someone new to Tolkien elf-smut? Because if so, that's kind of awesome!
  21. Are they releasing this on Amazon?
  22. While the way I write elves no doubt makes everything I do AU, I think it's fair to say that when they made The Hobbit into a series of films, they did me no favours with the story I'm working on. People who have only seen the films will consider my work AU as regards events and characters, because they've added things that weren't present in the source material. That being said, whatever insipid idiocy (yes, I suppose am rather angry at this and I can't help it) they made up regarding Thranduil's wife cannot really be considered Tolkien canon, and that is what counts to me. So I will continue on my way, imagining it however I see fit, in the way that will best suit my plot.
  23. They like to feel needed. I had a boyfriend once who was genuinely affronted that I replaced a malfunctioning toilet cistern while he was asleep, as if I'd stolen the job from him. This despite the fact that we worked together, and every night he used to observe me climbing into dangerous machinery with a toolbox to dismantle it, and later rebuild it. I'm afraid I have no patience whatsoever. *shakes head*
  24. The muse has gone very quiet over the last couple of days. This does not please me at all. :( Nor does it please any of the elves. *shakes it* Wake up!

  25. Thank you, Bronx – I'm so glad it made you happy! Scandalised!Elrond with wicked!Thranduil and playful!Legolas... it's not quite the whole set, but this is Elrond. I'm quite sure he's already thinking ahead... and worrying.
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