Author: pippychick
Title: The Teacher – Missing Scenes
Summary: Some bits and pieces that weren't good enough to make it in, or would not fit.
Feedback: Will be treasured.
Fandom: Middle-Earth/Lord of the Rings
Pairing: Elrond/Thranduil/Legolas/Oropher (and combinations thereof)
Warnings: 3Plus,Anal,BDSM,D/s,Fingering,HJ,Humil,Inc,M/M,M/s,Oral,WD,Non-consensual/Reluctance
Solo story or chaptered story: Collection of chapters
Review Replies:
This first one is called: Shenanigans on the Way to Eryn Galen and takes place when Elrond travels to Mirkwood with Thranduil and Legolas. Written for Bronx.