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Everything posted by GeorgeGlass

  1. Author notes (Warning: SPOILERS) Lynn Senior’s murmured comment to the central air conditioner—“You hear me, baby? Hold together”—is what Han Solo says to the Millennium Falcon in The Empire Strikes Back. The zebra in Lola’s nightmare is a nod to Phineas and Ferb, in which Candace sometimes sees a talking zebra in her dreams. Lynn’s nightmare about an evil baseball team wearing clown makeup was inspired by the 1970s street gang film The Warriors, in which one of the gangs wears baseball uniforms and face paint and carries bats. The bit about a badly ventilated pipe making a banging noise when the water is running is a real thing, which I experienced at my parents’ old house. (Warning: TMI) Lincoln’s sleep-sex is inspired by a few events from my own life. I once woke up to find myself making out with my wife, who’d had no idea that I was asleep when I initiated it. According to her, I’ve done a few other things like that, which I was not aware of at the time. Four square and pickleball are both real games. According to the internet, perennial ryegrass is a recommended lawn grass for the northern U.S. It is said to be hardy and able to endure a lot of foot traffic, which makes it ideal for the Loud family’s yard. During a typical night of sleep, we go through multiple REM cycles, and each one includes a larger proportion of REM sleep than the previous one. As a result, you spend more time dreaming later in the night than you do soon after you fall asleep. This is why only some of the girls were affected by the sound of the hose pipe each night, whereas many of them were affected by the sex sounds made by Lincoln and his bed companions, which always happened later in the night (at least until the hose pipe mystery was solved).
  2. From GeoSoul on October 19, 2019 Oh yes indeed!
  3. Just a little update about what's on tap. Chapter 10 of "Enter the Sandboy" will probably be ready for beta this weekend. I've also spent quality time this week on chapter 4 of "Wishful," chapter 3 of "Flesh," and the one-shot "Day of the Deadly," which I'm writing for this year's Halloween story jam. I'd really like to post that one at least a week before Halloween, which means I'd better get a move on.
  4. From The World's Concubine on October 15, 2019 Thanks! It did work out rather well for all of them, didn’t it? Well, that’s the interesting thing about dom-sub relationships: It’s never entirely clear who is really in control. Which is a theme I enjoy playing with. Thanks for the comments!
  5. After all these years, I'm finally ready to confess: I killed the radio star and framed Video for it. Sadly, Video died in prison in 1998, but I hope this confirmation of his innocence brings some comfort to his two children, MP3 and Streaming.

    1. InvidiaRed


      Sadly, Video was quote unquote massacred by the titan Internet and prison guards including forensic cleaning personnel requiring extensive therapy to recover from the trauma.

      Widow Writing is sure to be glad of such good news.

    2. Strange_idea


      are you sure that didn’t happen in your mind? or did you run him over or something

  6. From Pixel-King on October 13, 2019 Thanks. I had a little internal debate about whether to include that element. But since this is the second to last chapter, I figured it was time to turn the amp up to 11. I totally hear you; I debated about that, too. The main reason I did it was that it just didn't make sense to include everyone in the family but him, especially with 11 females in need of dick. Lynn Sr hasn't taken any of the girls' virginities. Because he's been at work until midnight almost every night since this began, he hasn't become involved in the action until now. Lori is the first of his daughters that he's had sex with. Ah, yes, I've seen those. Naturally. Mmm, I'll bet some proper smacks would make that big butt of hers jiggle nicely. Yeah, but that's not really my thing. I write m/m stuff occasionally, but mostly with furry characters. Thanks for the review!
  7. Thank you! The use of the “first person plural” perspective was a big experiment for me, and I’m glad you liked it. Figuring out how everybody would pair (or triple) up was part of the challenge. And when it comes to writing, I love a challenge. Rotating from one portion to the action is something I had done before in stories, but never quite in as literal a sense as this. I love narration. I don’t get to do it a lot in fanfics, but because The Loud House has Lincoln regularly talking to the audience, I thought it would work here. And I loved using Lucy’s voice to do it. Thanks again! Well, that depends on what you’re interested in. If you want to read more cartoon fanfics, the other fandoms I’ve written in are Phineas and Ferb (a lot), ThunderCats, Gravity Falls, Star Vs the Forces of Evil, Inside Out, Frozen, Mighty Magiswords, and Miraculous. I’ve also written lots of original stories. If you’re looking for more in the way of incest fun, I could recommend several of these: May's Family The Holiday Trilogy (Some Girl, Fireworks, Comfort and Joy) Excuses Activation Day Learning a Daughter's Duty The Small Hours Keene's Really Good Week Satisfaction A Day at the Beach Other stories with fun underage sex: A Beach Like No Other Just Doin' What We Do (A Halloween Story) And if you want something with humor: A Little Goes a Long Way Company Policy
  8. From Fairy-Slayer on October 03, 2019 Yup. Which makes their kids superfreaks. Not that much, actually. Except for one thing that some readers have been waiting for. Yes. Yes, you are. I hope it will. Thanks for the review!
  9. From ConanEdogawa on October 12, 2019 We’re done talking about this, Conan.
  10. And thanks for the comment! Figuring out how Lincoln would accommodate each of his sisters was one of the fun challenges of writing this story.
  11. Chapter 9 of “Enter the Sandboy” is up!
  12. Hey, all. I’m going another “cycle” through all of my stories, which has led me to finish the rough draft of chapter 9 of “Enter the Sandboy.” I expect to send it to beta tomorrow night.
  13. From ConanEdogawa on October 06, 2019 As I’ve said before, she got it in chapter 3.
  14. Now playing: “Flesh,” Chapter 2: The First Time. Grant reminisces about when he first got his powers, and how he introduced Lacey to them.
  15. Didn’t think of that. I’ve been thinking that Anger tastes like either cherry or Red Hots. Half the fun of writing this story was playing around with how the action inside correlates with the action outside. I do have an idea for one. But I also have lots of other ideas. We’ll see which one wins. Hope you like at least one of them. Glad to.
  16. From Fairy-Slayer on October 03, 2019 I wanted to spring it on the reader that sweet, preverbal, seemingly innocent Lily is as big a horndog as any of her sisters. After going full freakstyle with Lily, I wanted some "get real" time. And who better to get real with than the last character you'd think capable of it? And get around the whole "Luan jokes throughout the whole thing and Lincoln's boner flatlines" problem. You're welcome. And yes, a couple more chapters of fun to come. In the season 1 episode "Homespun," the kids take turns telling stories about their house, and Lily tells one while Luan interprets.
  17. Chapter 8 of “Enter the Sandboy” is posted. Luan shows up to Lincoln’s room with a surprise guest.
  18. Hey there, SWP1. Thanks for the birthday wishes! It was a nice one. To answer your questions: Yes, that’s exactly the idea behind the story. The reviews for Joker seem pretty positive, so I’m planning to see it. Not sure exactly when.
  19. Had to share this article about the benefits of our collective-favorite hobby:


    1. BronxWench


      Awesome article! I’m actually sort of torn that they didn’t mention us, but then again… :lol:

    2. InvidiaRed


      The world isn’t ready. The consensus would break and then we’d all wake up in the stone age.  :angel:


  20. Well, I've really done it now. Having previously decided that the planned chapter 2 of “Flesh” should be chapter 3 and vice versa, I have now come to the conclusion that the original chapter 4 should actually be chapter 2. Fortunately for anyone who is following this story, quite a bit of that chapter is already written, so the wait shouldn't be too long. Also, chapter 8 of “Enter the Sandboy” is nearly ready for beta. Maybe tomorrow.
  21. Re: “Auntie’s Home” From Metamorphic on October 01, 2019 Thanks! I got that idea from another reader, Hungry-Orange-Squirrel, who wrote “Soon he's not going to be satisfied with just two milfs, Calvin's mom might become his next victim.”
  22. Thank you! Those are the things that matter most to me in writing a story. I’m pretty sure I’m not in a position to decide who is or is not a pervert. Thanks! Chapter 8 is coming soon.
  23. From Fairy-Slayer on September 26, 2019 Nope; didn't even know that was a thing. My head remains firmly planted in the sand. Dang it, I didn't even think of that! (Hmmm, is it too late to work that into Luan's dialogue?) Poor, poor Lincoln... Writing Leni is fun, because you get to make dumb jokes but you also get to exploit her utter sweetness. Plus, she's a cutie. No spoilers! True that. Oh, Linky Boy... Or super fun. What did I say about spoilers!?
  24. Hey there. I’m doing well, and I’m glad you liked the chapter. That story is tentatively titled “For the Price of One,” and it’s coming right along. In fact, it’s probably the next chaptered story that I’ll start posting once I finish with a couple of the current ones.
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