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Everything posted by GeorgeGlass

  1. I've found that the title is often the hardest part of a story to write. Rarely have I been able to come up with just a few words that adequately reflect the content or spirit of the story.
  2. Actually, part of why I enjoy writing PHINEAS AND FERB fics is that the main female characters on the show give me a lot to work with. Isabella is a girly-girl with a massive crush on Phineas, but she's also an adventure-seeker and leader who can do just about anything she puts her mind to. Candace is utterly neurotic, but her craziness is often as much a strength as a weakness.
  3. I completely agree. Bite-sized chapters work extremely well in some works (especially if there are a lot of simultaneous plot threads); other works need longer chapters to really get you into a scene.
  4. I'm an editor and occasional writer (not of fiction) in my RL job, so I take the study and use of language very seriously. I just enjoy using my skills for evi- I mean, to produce niche erotica in my spare time. I'm not sure I'm understanding your point about how the treatment of women in the media leads to slash--if that is indeed your point. Interesting point about e-book companies. I was listening to a radio program the other day on which someone opined that e-readers have created a market for a lot of genres and formats (eg, novellas) that have little or no commercial appeal in the print market. Maybe I'll look into that, when I'm not too busy creating smut just for fun.
  5. Honestly, I post my stories on AFF and other sites BECAUSE they're not marketable. Nobody (nobody in their right mind, anyway) is going to pay me to write PHINEAS AND FERB porn, or even the furry stories I post on Hentai Foundry and Inkbunny. If I thought anybody would buy such things, maybe I'd slap a price tag on them. Having had a sort of "previous life" as a fanfic writer in a different fandom years ago, I just accept the fact that there is going to be a ton of slash wherever you find fanfic. Nature of the beast, and all that.
  6. I likes me some sexy action gals: --Agent K from THE REPLACEMENTS --Kitty Katswell from TUFF PUPPY --Cheetara from THUNDERCATS (the original was hot; the new one is even hotter) --the JUSTICE LEAGUE version of Wonder Woman
  7. That's pretty much what I ended up doing. Thanks.
  8. I just posted the final chapter of a story, and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to add COMPLETE to the story codes. Everything about the story seems to be editable except the story codes. Am I missing something obvious?
  9. Good question about DOC MCSTUFFINS. That show seems to be the exception to Rule 34--I've never seen any adult fic or art that pertains to it.
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