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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. I’m not quite sure what you mean. There is a default font size for both the archive and the forum, but every member has the option of adjusting that size for themselves via the Rich Text Editor in the archive or here in the forum. The default here is Arial 14 and that is what I’m seeing your post above as using. The default font in the archive, as I see it on my desktop (22” monitor) and laptop (14” display), without zooming, is the same size. I never access the site on a tablet or smartphone, because I prefer a larger screen for viewing, to be quite honest. We did, however, rework the archive code to accommodate mobile device users, eliminating most of the left column menus and other features which were not mobile-friendly (although this desktop user quite liked them). If a story’s text is spilling over the page borders, that is another issue altogether, and has to do with repeating characters used within the story text, and how the site draws those characters. People use them as scene breaks, or dividers, and it glitches the way the story displays on the screen. In that case, the author needs to remove the repeating characters, since that’s something we moderators can’t fix for them. You do have the option on most computers of setting your computer’s default display for text to a larger font. That might help, if that’s the method you use to view the site. Other than that, without knowing how you access the site or what OS you use, I can’t offer any other helpful advice.
  2. Hi, It’s actually fine to mention updates here, or on your Review Reply thread, or even in both places. Some readers will check the review reply thread, and others might look here, but if they’re registered forum users, they can follow either thread. That way, they get an email notification whenever you post. So it comes down to what you prefer to do.
  3. A very interesting survey! I enjoyed completing it.
  4. I’ve moved this to a more appropriate area of the forum, since the tech support threads are really only for AFF-related tech support.
  5. I’d go with the mostly-set-in fandom myself, to be honest. The Misc>Crossover category is mostly for stories which don’t have a proper category to begin with, and when a crossover is set in one of those, well, the archive dragons get peevish. And you know, peevish dragons and all that…
  6. I think you might find this FAQ helpful.
  7. I’m not seeing any record of staff action in deleting the stories, although it was noted back in 2010 that his stories were reposts at that time. It’s quite possible the author took them down again and hasn’t reposted them again.
  8. I’ve resent the email to the new email address.
  9. The issue with the story is that it’s missing the required story content tags. We ask that you properly tag stories so readers aren’t caught unawares by something they prefer not to read about. You should have received an email advising you of which tags were missing. If you didn’t see it, check your Junk or Spam folder. If it’s not there either, let me know and I’ll resend it.
  10. Is this a challenge, or a story search request?
  11. Please refrain from asking for copies of stories which have been removed from the site and/or the Internet.
  12. So, NineStar Press has offered me a contract to republish Ghost’s Sight… :happykitten:

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Desiderius Price
    3. BronxWench


      I’m delighted there are no bodies to worry about! :D

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      No bodies?  Then what do I do with this shovel?  :P

  13. The very happiest of birthdays to the amazing pippychick! Love you, lass! :congratualtions: :birthday: :balloon: :cheers:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      Happy birthday, Pippy! And I love that dress… not because of the Dr. but because it’s such a lovely blue! :D :happykitten:

    3. BronxWench


      Ooohh, I love the Tardis dress! :lol: What a perfect gift! 

    4. JayDee


      Yeah, Happy Birthday! ...slightly lately!

  14. You might want to ask on that site, rather than here, since all we ever had was the one dodgy link Melrick removed, and we’re not going to be happy about more dodgy links being posted here. We try to keep our forums free from that sort of thing.
  15. Either DemonGoddess061 or I will let you know when the accounts have been merged. We’re happy to help!
  16. Not a problem at all. I’ll write this up for my tech admin, and we’ll get them merged, with the new account as the surviving account, and all the stories and associated data merged.
  17. Hi, I think I have both your accounts: Poem (original) Poem (new) The email accounts are different, so I need to ask which account you want as the surviving account. We can then merge them for you, so all the data from the original account will remain intact.
  18. MistressMalfoy has only a few stories here. That is sadly not one of them.
  19. The author is PervertedHamster, who seems to have removed the story. There had been a correction requested by staff back in January of this year, but the story was properly corrected, and I see no further staff actions with respect to the story.
  20. We’re sorry to see you go, but we hope your readers will continue to enjoy your stories on your blog, and elsewhere! We’re still happy to have you come and read stories here, review your favorite authors, and chat with us on the forums.
  21. Jeff, I’ve emailed you back, and let’s see if we can fix this now.
  22. Honestly, I get angry when friends of mine are subjected to cyber-abuse. I’m much more likely to pursue options to see them blocked or banned entirely in that circumstance. For myself, I’m much more prone to snubbing the trivial wretches.
  23. As I said, it’s not always helpful advice, because it’s hard to let go of the negativity in those words. But at the end of the day, the person leveling those harsh words at you doesn’t know you. They are simply lashing out in a tantrum, and the why of it is largely not relevant. What is relevant is not giving them the power over you that they seek.
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