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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/2023 in all areas

  1. I got into fanfiction (& writing) specifically due to the long hiatus between the potter releases… there was a three year gap between GoF & Ootp & subsequent books. So mine’s basically a “continue the story and speculate” type of story. Now that OotP & others have released, I do have more of canon to leverage (characters, places, etc), so I do that, however, plot wise, it’s still post GoF story, not Ootp or later. (And my story’s likely reaching the 1.4M mark tomorrow…. on my drive)
    2 points
  2. Same thing for me. MS Word works just fine for me, with almost no tweaking needed after I copy and paste.
    1 point
  3. Hi, all. For what it’s worth, I just copy and paste from MS Word into the AFF editor box. Sometimes, I have to fix a paragraph here or there, but nothing like you’re going through. Good luck.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Like Bronx, I basically post as I go, or at least that’s the goal. I’ll wait a short while, preferably a week and a chapter, before I proofread. If I can keep it to a schedule, such as consistently post on Saturday or something, that gives it predictability.
    1 point
  6. I tend to post as I go, which might mean a serious wait for my next update if it’s not a one-shot.
    1 point
  7. My plot bunnies are so fecund that I have to limit myself to having no more than twenty stories in progress at a time.
    1 point
  8. Lol the principle of a condom is its better to have one and not need one than need one and not have it. Same principle as a gun really.
    1 point
  9. Hey sometimes the urge hits, wherever it may. When you’re cave spelunking and your instructor is getting frisky in a tight confined space for example…. Hypothetically. of course. 😏
    1 point
  10. Um… multiple locations (Ron had taken something to let him recover/reuse fast), which meant four separate sets of citations. The “cleaner” version of the story lets the reader construct the date from Harry listing the citations, while the “explicit” version shows the date details Thus for citations 3 & 4: “Ought to demand a refund,” Harry said, “Clearly an all–you–can–eat buffet should include a free banger.” “Aw,” Harry said, “Guess the opera didn’t appreciate you two climaxing at their climax.”
    1 point
  11. Not sure about reading them… writing them is fun, and this reminded me of my potter fanfic, where after a date by Ron/Hermione into London, had Harry reading the citations for public/lewd acts. “See you made the train. … was the queen in residence?” And a couple more.
    1 point
  12. I moved the story to the correct category for you. (I also fixed the disclaimer and added story tags as well while I was there.)
    1 point
  13. Happened in the early internet startup era too… “shares of the company” BS. Nah, collect a paycheck. Stock & options are nice extras, but… “Exposure” doesn’t pay the bills… unless you’re doing it in a gentlemen’s/ladies’ nightclub after hours, or for only fans.
    1 point
  14. That’s the sad truth, isn’t it? “Take this position for minimum wage, and we’ll move you up when there’s an opening.” But the opening never comes, or the manager’s kid gets tapped for it, and you get stuck at minimum wage, doing the work of two people because the manager’s kid isn’t actually going to do anything. Or you look at job listings, and they want five or more years experience for an entry level position that was advertised as no experience required. (My Elderspawn is beating their head against that wall at present.) And writing? If you’re talking fiction writing, the generally accepted wisdom is that most writers need a day job to pay the bills. You’ll never make a living as a writer of fiction unless you get very, very lucky. What you’re likely to find is those situation you referenced: Write us a few pieces for free, and we’ll get you a post where you get paid. Possibly. Unless we can figure out a way to get you to keep writing for free…
    1 point
  15. I’m a native speaker of American English, with fluency in British English, and the remnants of the French I once spoke (although I’m crushing it in Duolingo). I read a smattering of Latin, and can muddle my way through reading basic things in Spanish, Italian, and German. Then again, I’m old enough to remember when a foreign language was taught as early as elementary school, along with music. (Never show me one of those plastic recorders—I still have flashbacks.)
    1 point
  16. Typos happen with me, just a fact of my existence. English is my second language, I think I amble fairly well in it.
    1 point
  17. Silence… I’m not going to provoke the Dragon, for I go good with ketchup.
    1 point
  18. Yes, that’s the correct thing. And you’ll find a few typos in the archive. One of these days, when manta doesn’t have any hellacious security fixes or codes updates going on, I’ll point them out to her for correction. In the meantime, I’m treating them like Easter eggs, to see who actually notices the misspelled words.
    1 point
  19. Hmm… maybe mention two chapters in the summary? Skip the WIP tag, and once archive lets you edit, shove in the COMPLETE tag? Also, stick “THE END” at the end of the second chapter, readers will get that bit..
    1 point
  20. @BronxWench, thank you so freaking much! I’m FINALLY logged back into my account! I can finally update my stories here. Thanks for your patience and determination. 💜 Give the grumpy corgi a chin scritch for us. (“Us” being myself, and my kitties Woozle and Heiferlump.)
    1 point
  21. On this archive (or AO3), always, always list trigger tags. While yes it’s technically a spoiler, you don’t want to surprise your readers with a “surprise” rape scene or something.
    1 point
  22. people think i am crazy for paying $43 for 4 bottles of Mountain Dew. I might be but i got my hands on that Canadian only Mountain dew! its pretty good!
    0 points
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