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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/15/2022 in all areas

  1. manta2g

    Weird Screen

    Just got up for work, cleared it out. this is driving batty….
    3 points
  2. I’d like to get more proactive, but I don’t have diplomatic immunity.
    2 points
  3. so went to the archives and alot of porn showed up on the screen. so i think its another attack! @manta2g and @DemonGoddess sorry! but it looks like it is just the front page.
    2 points
  4. BronxWench

    Weird Screen

    It most certainly does. This has been very frustrating for those of us on staff, because we want AFF to be a safe place for our members. Everyone’s been amazingly patient, and I’m really grateful for that. It doesn’t make it any easier to have to tell all of you that we’re not quite there yet.
    2 points
  5. Posted chapter 4 of “Augmented” on AO3 last night. Just 1 chapter to go. Looks like chapter 17 of “Smooshed” will be beta-ready this weekend or early next week.
    1 point
  6. Wilde_Guess

    Weird Screen

    Hi, all. Same thing over here. I’ll “lurk” until around 11:00 pm EST. I can (if requested) send browser, o/s, versions, and general area/isp if that will help. First time I’ve been hit with this junk. And, hopefully, it’ll be the last. Thanks for all the hard work in stopping these jerks.
    1 point
  7. Thanks. At least it wasn’t that long a story. And I learned my lesson about “storing” stories in a Yahoo group.
    1 point
  8. Hang ‘em by their entrails!
    1 point
  9. DemonGoddess

    Weird Screen

    Just got home from work, going back shortly. Found and killed the intrusions.
    1 point
  10. BronxWench

    Weird Screen

    Yes, I got that this morning myself, and reported it. It’s frustrating, and we’re working on it.
    1 point
  11. Like everybody else, I’m frustrated as heck by the arrogance/entitlement of the perpetrator, cause it’s infringing on OUR server and curtailing OUR ability to speak/publish in a place that’ll tolerate our eccentricities. </end-rant>
    1 point
  12. WillowDarkling

    Weird Screen

    Do it outside, much less cleaning up that way… but legal paperwork would be a bitch…
    1 point
  13. Suggest reducing the problem… quarter the perpetrator, skip the hanging part, go straight to quartering them. Slow blade and bleach, plenty of bleach for cleaning up. Trouble is, the legal paperwork.
    1 point
  14. manta2g

    Weird Screen

    Cleaned it out.... really frustrating how they are bypassing logins and security protocols.
    1 point
  15. Dagian

    Weird Screen

    It tried to redirect me too but my antivirus program blocked the redirect. Unreal how determined and unrelenting this has been.
    1 point
  16. BronxWench

    Weird Screen

    That was the sql injection attack we’ve been dealing with, and I strongly urge everyone not to click on anything like that. I’m tagging @manta2g and @DemonGoddess to let them know it’s happening again...
    1 point
  17. While it may seem quiet of the surface, it’s been quite busy behind the scenes for AFF. We’ve been busy doing a security sweep of user accounts. Accounts with invalid or disposable e-mails have been purged. Currently, we are merging the over 5 k users with duplicate (or more) accounts down to a single account per user.
    1 point
  18. My day job has been a gong show of late, troubleshooting AFF's woes has remained on my mind. Hoping to start the first phase of unlocking the site this week. So don't be surprised if you get an email asking to re-verify your email and to change your password.
    1 point
  19. I am seriously thinking quitting Walmart and going to amazon before Christmas hits! my team leads and coaches keep pulling BS on me. ugh! i was promised different hours and now the bs is that oh we have to go change the hours by hand because you are still under core scheduling (1-10). My Team lead hasn’t done it yet and i was supposed to start my new hours (12-9) December 1st! ugh!
    0 points
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