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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/2021 in all areas

  1. It might also be, to be very generous about this, that the reviewer began with the books or films when the characters were like 11 and has a difficult time allowing them all to grow up in his mind. I know I actually struggled with that a bit when I was watching the films. Granted, that was a rather immature response. I had hopes we were kind of past that as a society when it came to internet reviews. ...I say things now that I never really said before. Odd sentences are becoming commonplace.
    1 point
  2. I absolutely cannot wait until I get this surgery done on my hands and am incapable of doing anything for myself! Said no one ever.
    1 point
  3. InvidiaRed

    Halloween 2021

    I would like to thank all participants <3
    1 point
  4. I want my money back! Third COVID shot so far, no super powers.
    1 point
  5. So, is eating a rabbi considered Kosher? (Asking for...a friend cause ‘tis the season for questions.)
    1 point
  6. For the Honour of The Slytherin Well… this is an odd comment. I’m certainly going to Hell if such a place exists, and I am disgusting, but I’ve no interest in children and have never written minor1 stories, or any minor2 stories with characters under 16 –and as I’ve got older I’ve tended away from writing stories with even 16-17 year old characters, although this one was written back when I was a lot closer in age to the characters. I can only assume that this comment came from someone who masturbated so furiously over a story featuring actual children that, having blown a prostate-punishing load into their own eyes, they accidentally clicked the wrong story to comment on during the waves of post-orgasmic guilt.
    1 point
  7. I had a very close relative die in the summer and it’s kind of broken me too, as self-centred as it sounds when they’re the one who died, but I gotta try and move on a bit. Hoping to catch up on reading soon, especially the new halloween story jam you’ve got going on.
    0 points
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